It has 15" 1024x768 LCD display for seciurity officer.
I'm running firefox like that:
Changing top of file zm_html.php:
And got as far as "username:" filled with "u" (of course without ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH it works OK -- montage seems good for 4 cameras 2 fps each).
Maybe some advices how to do it better ? (another idea will be modify zm*html*php when it has "_GET[password]" and copy it to _SESSION but it's a crude way).
But this solution works for me and allows to convice some manager to find additional Euros/USDs for ZM.
Code: Select all
//ini_set( "magic_quotes_gpc", "Off" );
require_once( 'zm_config.php' );
require_once( 'zm_lang.php' );
require_once( 'zm_funcs.php' );
require_once( 'zm_actions.php' );
if ( isset( $_SESSION['user'] ) )
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
elseif ( isset( $_GET['mymagic']) )
unset( $user );
Code: Select all
// limit the absolute number of http connections that can be established per
pref("network.http.max-connections-per-server", 16);
pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 16);
pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 16);