I am running 1.30.4 on Ubuntu but have to move camera settings and zone definitions to a docker container now.
I set up a docker container via: https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinde ... ils/docker
I thought it should be pretty straight foreward to move the mysql-db from the "normal" installation to the docker container. I have done this before between two "normal" installations. Unfortunately I ran into problems. What I did so far:
- Zoneminder container runs fine.
- dump db on "normal" installation: mysqldump -u root -p zm > zm.sql
- import db on container: mysql -uroot -p zm < zm.sql
I allways stopped zm before exporting / importing the db. After the import I do not get a proper web frontend - just the first line of the frontend (Thu 18th May, 8:18amLoad: 0 - Disk: 13% - /dev/shm: 0%) is displayed, but no controls. I allready realised that the options|system layout is different between both installations (OPT_FRAME_SERVER, FRAME_SOCKET_SIZE are missing at the container). This does not make sense to me because both installations are the same version number.
My questions:
- Does anybody know a reliable path to "dockerize" an allready reliable running zm installation?
- I would be happy to just migrate monitor and zone definitions. What tables would I have to transfer?
Any help apprechiated.