Hello all. Zoneminder 1.30.4. While generating a video, when I go to download the video, I get a Page Not Found error in both Google Chrome and IE. I can play the file, and I see the file in the directory. I do have a different path for the saved images and events that I've configured fstab to bind-mount an new paths, which I suspect that is causing this issue.
Any thoughts?
Cannot download saved video file - Page Not Found
Re: Cannot download saved video file - Page Not Found
Linux distro and version please!
Re: Cannot download saved video file - Page Not Found
I had the same problem yesterday and solved it by editing /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini
I changed it to
memory_limit = 600M
I had googled and found suggestions to change this to 400 but that didnt work for me so I tried 600. Restart apache after changing.
EDIT I rebooted after changing to 400, then just restarted apache after changing to 600. 400 might work for you.
I changed it to
memory_limit = 600M
I had googled and found suggestions to change this to 400 but that didnt work for me so I tried 600. Restart apache after changing.
EDIT I rebooted after changing to 400, then just restarted apache after changing to 600. 400 might work for you.
Re: Cannot download saved video file - Page Not Found
Hi kevins. Thanks for the reply. Yes, I saw the same thread while googling this issue, and changing memory_limit to 400M didn't work for me either. I didn't increase it farther. But, I've just changed it to 600M and it now works. Thanks again for your suggestion! This has solved the issue.