No Web Interface

Forum for questions and support relating to the 1.31.x releases only.
Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:12 pm

No Web Interface

Post by foxtrot1014 »

Hello, new ZoneMinder user. I just put together a headless server running Fedora Server and just finished installing ZoneMinder on that machine. Went to open the web interface at "" and my browser just times out.

I can access the Fedora web gui just fine. A scan of my network shows the only services visible on the server are SSH and the service for Fedora's web gui.

I installed a clean version of Fedora Server, then followed These Instructions to a T as well as all the following instructions from the readme:
1. Unless you are already using MariaDB server, you need to ensure that the
server is configured to start during boot and properly secured by running:

x sudo dnf install mariadb-server
sudo systemctl enable mariadb
sudo systemctl start mariadb.service
2. Assuming the database is local and using the password for the root account
set during the previous step, you will need to create the ZoneMinder
database and configure a database account for ZoneMinder to use:

mysql -uroot -p < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql
mysql -uroot -p -e "grant all on zm.* to \
'zmuser'@localhost identified by 'zmpass';"

The database account credentials, zmuser/zmpass, are arbitrary. Set them to
anything that suits your environment.

3. If you have chosen to change the zoneminder database account credentials to
something other than zmuser/zmpass, you must now edit /etc/zm/zm.conf.
Change ZM_DB_USER and ZM_DB_PASS to the values you created in the previous

This version of zoneminder no longer requires you to make a similar change
to the credentials in /usr/share/zoneminder/www/api/app/Config/database.php
This now happens dynamically. Do *not* make any changes to this file.

4. Edit /etc/php.ini, uncomment the date.timezone line, and add your local
timezone. PHP will complain loudly if this is not set, or if it is set
incorrectly, and these complaints will show up in the zoneminder logging
system as errors.

If you are not sure of the proper timezone specification to use, look at

5. Disable SELinux

We currently do not have the resources to create and maintain an accurate
SELinux policy for ZoneMinder on Fedora. We will gladly accept pull
reqeusts from anyone who wishes to do the work. In the meantime, SELinux
will need to be disabled or put into permissive mode.

To immediately disbale SELinux for the current seesion, issue the following
from the command line:

sudo setenforce 0

To permanently disable SELinux, edit /etc/selinux/config and change the
SELINUX line from "enforcing" to "disabled". This change will take
effect after a reboot.

6. Install mod_ssl or configure /etc/httpd/conf.d/zoneminder.conf to meet your
needs. This package comes preconfigured for HTTPS using the default self
signed certificate on your system. The recommended way to complete this step
is to simply install mod_ssl:

sudo dnf install mod_ssl

If this does not meet your needs, then read README.https to
learn about alternatives. When in doubt, install mod_ssl.

7. Now start the web server:

sudo systemctl enable httpd
sudo systemctl start httpd

8. Now start zoneminder:

sudo systemctl enable zoneminder
sudo systemctl start zoneminder

9. The Fedora repos have a ZoneMinder package available, but it does not
support ffmpeg or libvlc, which many modern IP cameras require. Most users
will want to prevent the ZoneMinder package in the Fedora repos from
overwriting the ZoneMinder package in zmrepo, during a future dnf update. To
prevent that from happening you must edit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo
and /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo. Add the line "exclude=zoneminder*"
without the quotes under the [fedora] and [fedora-updates] blocks,

Any suggestions?
Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Sep 04, 2017 12:47 am

Re: No Web Interface

Post by digital-gnome »

Looks like a firewall issue. Try this

Code: Select all

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
On a fresh VM install I had to do that after following the instructions you listed.
Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:12 pm

Re: No Web Interface

Post by foxtrot1014 »


That worked, and a lot simpler than I feared. Should've thought firewall, I was worried it'd be something more complicated.

Thank you! I can now access the web interface.