IP0B-ELR1IR Camera
IP0B-ELR1IR Camera
Has anyone got one of these to work? I cant find the right settings to get it going on 1.31
Re: IP0B-ELR1IR Camera
UPDATE: Got it to work using these settings:
General Tab
Source Type - Ffmpeg
Source Tab
Source Path- rtsp://admin:admin@YOURIPADDRESSHERE
Target Colorspace - 32 bit colour
Capture Width (pixels) - 1920
Capture Height (pixels) - 1080
Sub-Stream (lower resolution stream)
As mentioned above, this is a lower resolution stream so it consumes less network bandwidth and processing
resources. Here are my settings for this stream:
General Tab
Source Type - Ffmpeg
Source Tab
Source Path - rtsp://admin:admin@YOURIPADDRESSHERE:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1
Target Colourspace - 32 bit colour
Capture Width (pixels) - 352
Capture Height (pixels) - 288
General Tab
Source Type - Ffmpeg
Source Tab
Source Path- rtsp://admin:admin@YOURIPADDRESSHERE
Target Colorspace - 32 bit colour
Capture Width (pixels) - 1920
Capture Height (pixels) - 1080
Sub-Stream (lower resolution stream)
As mentioned above, this is a lower resolution stream so it consumes less network bandwidth and processing
resources. Here are my settings for this stream:
General Tab
Source Type - Ffmpeg
Source Tab
Source Path - rtsp://admin:admin@YOURIPADDRESSHERE:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1
Target Colourspace - 32 bit colour
Capture Width (pixels) - 352
Capture Height (pixels) - 288