Record in video format

Forum for questions and support relating to the 1.31.x releases only.
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Record in video format

Post by jamigf »

I'm using zoneminder 1.31.1 and I want know if there is a way to record the images directly in a video, because the jpg images use more disk space.
If no, there is a reason why ZM record in jpg and not in video??

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Re: Record in video format

Post by lbm »

I am wondering the same, did you figure this out ?
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Re: Record in video format

Post by bbunge »

Record to video is being worked on.
To save space lower your frame rate to 5 fps and the resolution to 640x480 32 bit color.
This is a security system not a HD movie maker!
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Re: Record in video format

Post by rockedge »

you could make a filter that selects the events and have that filter then export the event to video and then delete the event. end result is you have the video mp4,avi or whatever you select and no jpg's because those records have been deleted.
Or write a program/script that accesses the ZM database and storage and runs through and converts the jpg's to video in any format and then with the API deletes the events through ZM.

or something like that......

the police like the individual snapshots the jpg storage provides when it really comes down to it.