Zone issues?

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Zone issues?

Post by maxiedaniels »

I'm having a very strange time trying to get my zone working on one of my cameras. I have one zone, covering most of the bottom of the image. I initially tried the best, high sensitivity preset. However, I noticed that when someone walked by the camera, it was only triggering an alarm when the person was in the middle area of the zone - not the sides.

Then I tried the different modes (alarm pixels, filters, blobs) and played with settings that I saw on the forums here. To keep it simple, I've been trying to use alarm pixels only, with a min alarmed area of 200 pixels. Using that, and a pixel threshold of 5 or lower, it is constantly in alarm mode. I can't see anything changing on the image, but apparently it's detecting something small. If I set the pixel threshold to 10 or higher, it goes back to the original issue, which is that the sides of my zone aren't triggering alarms, even if I'm jumping around in that area.

Is there any way to view exactly what is causing the alarm? I have the 'create analyzed alarm images' option checked in the options, but I can't figure out where to view the detected movement.
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Re: Zone issues?

Post by orionstoy »

I believe what you are looking for is under "Frames" .. You can find the analysis images with the triggered area outlined there. Frames can be found in the Events list or at the top when viewing an event. Just scroll down the list of images until you see the "alarm" marked ones.

As for getting the settings proper for your situation ... I'm not able to help you much there .. I'm still playing trial and error with my motion triggering.
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Re: Zone issues?

Post by knight-of-ni »

You need to turn on Blob detection and then try the test again.
As implied by its name, zoneminder puts a red outline around the "blobs" it counts as motion, only when this feature is enabled. This is critical when configuring your motion zones, and my apologies for forgetting to mention that in your other thread.
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