Successfully upgraded Ubuntu 17.10 - ZM 1.30.4 to Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic!
See: ... _ZM_1.30.4
Procedure is a bit different from the 16.04 upgrade so make sure you are on the right sheet of music!
I will likely not do procedures for Zoneminder versions beyond 1.30.4 as they are still in development stage... You never know though. I just might give it a try!
Ubuntu 17.10 ZM 1.30.4 upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 ZM 1.30.4
Re: Ubuntu 17.10 ZM 1.30.4 upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 ZM 1.30.4
I was trying to do the wiki instructions as well, but it has a link to a deb install posted on google docs that is now returning a 404. Is there a more official source for the latest debian package?
Re: Ubuntu 17.10 ZM 1.30.4 upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04 ZM 1.30.4
If you are trying to use the link I provided you have to use the entire string with wget:
wget --no-check-certificate ' ... zwtOcCiisX' -O zoneminder-1.30.4-bionic-amd64.deb
Just checked it and it works for me...
wget --no-check-certificate ' ... zwtOcCiisX' -O zoneminder-1.30.4-bionic-amd64.deb
Just checked it and it works for me...