( centos-release-7-4.1708.el7.centos.x86_64 )
I didn't get the memo on this, so the last while I've been on 'zmrepo' and still doing one by one manual yum updates ( kernel patches, etc) as plain "yum update" always failed , and it got to the point that "--skip-broken" wasn't helping either.
However, after clearing some seventy updates manually, I finally still have some "dependencies" issues in updating that server, and I'm not sure what if any of these are related to my (belated) change from ZM repo, or if they are even used by ZM? (ALL this machine does is run ZM, I'd be happy to uninstall these if they are not being used....)
Here is the list:
Code: Select all
# yum list updates
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirror.it.ubc.ca
* epel: mirror.sjc02.svwh.net
* extras: mirror.esecuredata.com
* rpmfusion-free-updates: muug.ca
* rpmfusion-nonfree-updates: mirror.math.princeton.edu
* updates: mirror.esecuredata.com
Updated Packages
gvfs.x86_64 1.30.4-3.el7 base
gvfs-afc.x86_64 1.30.4-3.el7 base
gvfs-archive.x86_64 1.30.4-3.el7 base
gvfs-fuse.x86_64 1.30.4-3.el7 base
gvfs-gphoto2.x86_64 1.30.4-3.el7 base
gvfs-mtp.x86_64 1.30.4-3.el7 base
gvfs-smb.x86_64 1.30.4-3.el7 base
libimobiledevice.x86_64 1.2.0-1.el7 base
libplist.x86_64 1.12-3.el7 base
upower.x86_64 0.99.4-2.el7 base
usbmuxd.x86_64 1.1.0-1.el7 base
Packages skipped because of dependency problems:
gvfs-1.30.4-3.el7.x86_64 from base
gvfs-afc-1.30.4-3.el7.x86_64 from base
gvfs-archive-1.30.4-3.el7.x86_64 from base
gvfs-client-1.30.4-3.el7.x86_64 from base
gvfs-fuse-1.30.4-3.el7.x86_64 from base
gvfs-gphoto2-1.30.4-3.el7.x86_64 from base
gvfs-mtp-1.30.4-3.el7.x86_64 from base
gvfs-smb-1.30.4-3.el7.x86_64 from base
libimobiledevice-1.2.0-1.el7.x86_64 from base
libplist-1.12-3.el7.x86_64 from base
libusbmuxd-1.0.10-5.el7.x86_64 from base
upower-0.99.4-2.el7.x86_64 from base
usbmuxd-1.1.0-1.el7.x86_64 from base