Multi-Server configuration question

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Multi-Server configuration question

Post by tcg »

When setting up a multi-server configuration, is it necessary to reverse-proxy ALL ZoneMinder servers so that they can be accessed remotely? I was reading this thread:


and it appears that I have the same problem as the original poster. I have a reverse-proxy set up to my primary server 'zm1'. However, I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that that one server was all that needed to be exposed to the Internet and that it acted as kind of a gateway to the others. However, since URLs are generated using the hostname values defined in Options -> Servers it appears I will need to reverse-proxy my 'zm2' server as well. Otherwise I do not seem to be able to view video.

Am I on the right track here?
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Re: Multi-Server configuration question

Post by iconnor »

For live view, you need to be able to hit the recording server.

So yes, you need to reverse proxy ALL recording servers.
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