Floureon 720p ONVIF

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Floureon 720p ONVIF

Post by gipsea »

This is the first ip cctv I'm trying to configure for an home project (one of these you start for fun which will take not more than 1 hour to finish and then you get stacked for days :D :? )

I bought a Floureon ip cam and on ZN 1.32 I can configure it with no problem as monitor using the ONVIF probe.
Device name: ipcam
Device type: C9F0SeZ0N0P4L0
sw version: V13.

Now I'm working on the PT (no Z) settings.

I've installed wireshark and I'm trying to figure out what information I can get out from it and I'm still lost.

Controlling the camera from http://ipcam_ip_page I can find on wireshark, if I select tcp.port == 80, all the packets exchanged between the browser and the camera. are the cgi scripts which I should be looking for? Other sort of variables?

What next?
How I tune a control file to match the camera cgi scripts or similar?

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