Playing around with my ZM installation (v1.32.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 from Connor's PPA, and Chrome 71.0.3578.98 as the browser) I started seeing errors along the following log entries when trying to view stored events:
Code: Select all
Jan 17 22:48:41 rugrat web_php[32560]: ERR [Timed out waiting for msg /tmp/zm/zms-595707s.sock]
Jan 17 22:48:41 rugrat web_php[32560]: ERR [No data to read from socket]
Jan 17 22:48:41 rugrat web_php[32560]: ERR [getCmdResponse stream error: No data to read from socket - checkStreamForErrors()]
This only occurred for those cameras with stored JPEGs; those with H264 Camera Passthrough available/enabled were fine as was live streaming of all of them.
I happened to notice my playback rate was set to 0.01x and I couldn't change this with the on-screen arrows. Similarly, the zmEventRate cookie value was set to 1. I tried clearing the cookies (not sure why - was willing to give anything a go) and sure enough I was back working again! Playback rate was set to a default of 1x (and could be set with the arrows to +/-2x, 5x, 10x - never fractions though) and the zmEventrate was set to 100 (for 1x), 200 (for 2x) etc.
Any ideas what the problem was here? It's happened several times today and whilst I have been making various tweaks here and there I can't put my finger on what is triggering the problem. It's been working fine for weeks. Could this be a bug, or is it something I am doing 'wrong' to cause this behaviour?