Migrate from host zoneminder setup to docker keeping monitor zones

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Migrate from host zoneminder setup to docker keeping monitor zones

Post by Adm746 »

I am slowly transferring my home server applications from the host machine to containers using docker-compose. While I have been able to get several versions of a zoneminder-in-docker up and running, I am unable to pull my old monitor zones from the host setup and import them into a docker setup.

I gather from other posts that the zone configurations are contained in the MySQL database, and simply copying the MySQL/zm folder will not suffice. Has anyone successfully migrated from a host setup to a docker setup maintaining your monitor zones? If so could you share the steps? MySQL commands etc.
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Re: Migrate from host zoneminder setup to docker keeping monitor zones

Post by Adm746 »

so for the QuantumObject\Docker the zones and monitors are stored in .ibd files under their respective names in /var/lib/mysql. Can I simply replace these files, or do I need to use mysql
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Re: Migrate from host zoneminder setup to docker keeping monitor zones

Post by iconnor »

use mysqdump to dump the db and import it into the new mysql server.

Or just import your nightly backup. You do have a nightly backup, right?
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