Hey All,
I just merged some code to master that allows you to set the timezone from the web ui instead of in /etc/php/apache2/php.ini.
So any documentation that says to edit php.ini is now obsolete.
Now you go Options->System->TimeZone.
TimeZone moved to Options
Re: TimeZone moved to Options
This should probably be posted with more keywords. I just did a clean install following this guide:
https://wiki.zoneminder.com/Debian_10_B ... pro_Master
Which most likely was posted before this change was made.
I noticed this error in the logs almost instantly, and decided to fix this before continuing.
Obviously, my php.ini was fine. (All 3 of them!)
Older posts suggests overwriting this in apache or htaccess files, but that was really not something I could apply on this version. (Atleast without serious experimentation from my end)
The problem is, I didnt find this information until after much searching and headscratching. In fact, I stumbled upon it by accident after almost giving up my search and headed in here to ask for guidance. To save others time, I suggest this information be made more easily accessable by popular search engines.
https://wiki.zoneminder.com/Debian_10_B ... pro_Master
Which most likely was posted before this change was made.
I noticed this error in the logs almost instantly, and decided to fix this before continuing.
Code: Select all
web_php[1198]: ERR [ZoneMinder is not installed properly: php's date.timezone +0000 does not match the system timezone +0100!]
Older posts suggests overwriting this in apache or htaccess files, but that was really not something I could apply on this version. (Atleast without serious experimentation from my end)
The problem is, I didnt find this information until after much searching and headscratching. In fact, I stumbled upon it by accident after almost giving up my search and headed in here to ask for guidance. To save others time, I suggest this information be made more easily accessable by popular search engines.