Anyone Still Using Zoneminder 1.30?

Forum for questions and support relating to the 1.30.x releases only.
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Anyone Still Using Zoneminder 1.30?

Post by apolonio »

I been using Zoneminder since 1.2x and in Aug of 2017 I upgraded both hardware and software to 1.30.4

Triggers work great.

This thing just runs, and ties to my IoT stuff well, mailbox gets opened, I receive stills of the mailbox.

Someone at front door, I get a video emailed to me.

But my machine is long in the tooth, but it kind of just runs, it is solid.

What am I missing out not upgrading though? I have that Quadro 600 came with the box, was hoping to do some sort of hardware encoding/decoding via ffmpeg but is Fermi based so not possible. the load on the box has been hovering at 7, and it does have 8 cores (dual Xeon E5606), I have dual E5649 that I can replace bringing it to 12 cores and a faster Ghz.

Or should I look at replacing the box, maybe a Core I3 with Intel quicksync and decoding there.

If I am going to upgrade, I will probably flatten the box and start new. So I was wondering if anything was worth it, I saw the new interface, would like to record direct to disk.

OS would be CentOS 7.8.
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Re: Anyone Still Using Zoneminder 1.30?

Post by burger »

some features worth upgrading for:
  • x264 encoding (lower disk space usage, and longer histories)
  • x264 passthrough (lower CPU usage)
  • storage areas (record to multiple hdds easily)
  • zmninja compatibility (if you use it)
You can run old and new systems side by side to evaluate.
fastest way to test streams:
ffmpeg -i rtsp://<user>:<pass>@<ipaddress>:554/path ./output.mp4 (if terminal only)
ffplay rtsp://<user>:<pass>@<ipaddress>:554/path (gui)
find paths on ispydb or in zm hcl

If you are new to security software, read:
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Joined: Thu May 17, 2018 10:09 pm

Re: Anyone Still Using Zoneminder 1.30?

Post by apolonio »

A lot of my cameras are x264, so I think it may be worth it.

All of the reason's you spelled out have convinced me. Going to run a few tests in a VM to see if it is compatible with my IoT stuff.
