I've tried setting up an ad-hoc filter to delete them, but when I press executeI get some errors in the log. Full disclocure: I deleted some files from disk rather than through ZoneMinder.
Filter is:
Monitor Id equal to 3
AND Start Date less than or equal to 2020-06-04
Checked options:
Update used disk space
Delete all matches
Run filter in background
I've confirmed the quick delete option in the settings is disabled.
Errors in the log include:
Code: Select all
2020-06-08 21:26:31 zmfilter_8 360104 WAR Not deleting event because storage path doesn't exist zmfilter.pl
Code: Select all
DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /Media/CCTV/4/2020-06-07/7922:ZoneMinder::Event: Cause => Continuous DefaultVideo => 7922-video.mp4 EndTime => 2020-06-07 23:30:09 Height => 480 Id => 7922 Length => 91.37 MonitorId => 4 Name => Event- 7922 Orientation => ROTATE_0 Scheme => Medium StartTime => 2020-06-07 23:28:38 StateId => 1 StorageId => 2 Videoed => 1 Width => 640
The monitors all have the external mountpoint set under the storage option.
If I could get some advice on the first error it would be much appreciated.
For the second error I assume I need to delete rows from the database, which I'm happy doing if there's a way to identify the events which don't exist. I'm familiar with databases and can write queries as needed, I just need to know where to look.