Just upgraded to ES version 6 (and ZM 1.34.20 from .19) and unfortunately now zmNinja doesn't display the preview pictures, just the notification text.
I ran a debug and it is sending the following JSON:
Code: Select all
07/09/20 19:01:58.475912 zmeventnotification[4671].DBG [main:935] [|----> FORK:Front-Door (2), eid:50802 Final JSON being sent is: {"data":{"summaryText":"alarmed image","message":"[a] detected:car:63% Forced Web: ended at 07:01 pm, 07-Sep","badge":0,"myMessageId":4,"title":"Ended:Front-Door Alarm (50802)","eid":"50802","mid":"2","priority":1,"icon":"ic_stat_notification","style":"picture","picture":"https://MYURL.COM/zm/index.php?view=image&eid=50802&fid=objdetect&width=600&username=MYUSERNAME&password=xxx&eid=50802&fid=objdetect&width=600&username=MYUSERNAME&password=xxx to token: ...ITdu8F]
Noticed it seems to append the variables to the URL twice, but even so, the URL still works in my browser and displays the image (SSL Cert Valid) when I replace xxx with my password.
I have also noticed that my phone now displays multiple push notifications one after the other. Before upgrading to ES 6, it used the same notification and over-wrote itself each time it received a new one. Not sure if this is just because it isn't displaying an image.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.