Zoneminderversion: 1.35.6~20200923161646-bionic
I found following issue.
I start recording with an api call (manual alarm, based on Deep AI object detection).
Than I take the event id from the response and change the name of the event based on the reason for the recording.
If the object is not longer visible for the AI the manual alarm gets canceled.
The name of the event stays now as long as the recording happens based on Post Event Image Count.
When the recording stopps the event get renamed again to Event-xxxx from zoneminder.
It seams it is not possible to rename an event durable as long as recording is not finished.
Is it possible to change that so once the name got changed it stays changed?
Changed Event name gets overridden after recording stops
Changed Event name gets overridden after recording stops
Last edited by tomcat84 on Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Changed Event name gets overridden after recording stops
I am pushing code now to correct this.
Re: Changed Event name gets overridden after recording stops
Wow thats fast.