Issues after clicking on zone of inactive camera

Previous development branch now released as 1.36
Posts: 8
Joined: Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:07 pm

Issues after clicking on zone of inactive camera

Post by Sean298 »

I was setting up some more cameras so I cloned two off of one existing, set the ip addresses, for whatever reason I opened the zone window(the one to set the zone area on a camera) with a camera not set up and the screen showed black, I scrolled and there were some small white stripes. Firefox locked up and crashed, I couldn't open firefox anymore, an update apparently fixed it and it will open again, when it reopened I cleared the browser cache and closed the zone screen

I tried rebooting both the computer and zoneminder, and deleting the new monitors but it still throws errors for all monitors and uses 100% ram when running. I believe I have a log for zmc crash in var/crash.

Thanks for any help, really at a loss right now.

ZM 1.34.21 / Ubuntu 20.04

Code: Select all

2020-10-12 22:06:58	zma_m1		10637	ERR	Shared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor Garage	zm_monitor.cpp	499

2020-10-12 22:06:58	zmdc		10597	ERR	'zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255

2020-10-13 05:58:49	zmeventnotification		9288	WAR	Memory verify failed for Front_1(id:7)	

2020-10-13 05:58:49	zmeventnotification		9288	WAR	Memory verify failed for Front_2(id:8)
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:39 am
Location: Athens/Greece

Re: Issues after clicking on zone of inactive camera

Post by Painter »

Not the same issue but zone related.

Since a few updates now there is an issue with the zones points setting.For me it happens with active, long ago configured and not cloned cameras.
When setting the definition points even of a simple rectangle area, the 4 green dots are showing to the wrong position, about 15% less of X and Y. To verify you have to set definition points of an area, save and then press refresh or try to see the location of the 4 (or more) green dots in relation to the edges of the "red" defined area.
I noticed that behavior in all my cameras regardless of the resolution (most of them at 1280x720 and D1).