DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events2/1/2020-10-13/115752:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 37 AvgScore => 6 Cause => Motion DefaultVideo => 115752-video.mp4 EndTime => 2020-10-13 17:55:06 Frames => 135 Height => 1536 Id => 115752 Length => 7.61 MaxScore => 8 MonitorId => 1 Name => Event- 115752 Notes => Motion: Main Orientation => ROTATE_180 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Medium StartTime => 2020-10-13 17:54:59 StateId => 1 TotScore => 230 Width => 2048
Getting multiple of these errors. I have checked the Storage Path in settings, and it matches what is in ZM_Storage.conf
Also checked that all of the monitors are set to the correct Storage Path. Any ideas would be helpful. I am on version 1.34.21.
DiskSpace: Event does not exist at*
Re: DiskSpace: Event does not exist at*
Getting the same in v1.34.22
Also noticed it throws up a bunch of errors regarding monitors/cameras that are NOT even in the system anymore.
Also noticed it throws up a bunch of errors regarding monitors/cameras that are NOT even in the system anymore.
Re: DiskSpace: Event does not exist at*
In my (brief) experience, these seem to be the database catching up with the filesystem, and will go away once all database events (that have no corresponding files) are deleted by the automatic cleanup job (Options->System->RUN_AUDIT/zmaudit).
I saw tons of these errors in two instances: 1. adding/moving a storage area and 2. migrating my install - both of which involved messing with storage of events on disk.
Running this sql to move cameras to a new storage area was also helpful, and may apply:
I saw tons of these errors in two instances: 1. adding/moving a storage area and 2. migrating my install - both of which involved messing with storage of events on disk.
Running this sql to move cameras to a new storage area was also helpful, and may apply:
Code: Select all
select * from Monitors;
update Monitors set StorageID = 2 where StorageID = 0;