Zoneminder/CTU core CD distro

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Post by jameswilson »

Corey old buddy old pal....
Sorryr for saying the performance was down it isnt. I had the configs different between the two machines
Yours was doing all that analysis and statics of motion and the other wasnt once i made them the same they have a comparable load now.

So Sorry mate. It runs like a charm now and its helped the one in my loft completly forgot about the setting till i went to play back some video on my own home cameras.

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Post by cordel »

I use this cd exclusivly and mantian one (the one that does all my recording here) That updates nightly from my yum servers. I did have two doing this (one at my house and one with the server) but I don't have my house any more so just the one with the other servers is left. I also have another machine that I do fresh installs on and run my tests before approving to send the packages to the update server. I try to test them as much as possible before actualy sending them to the update server.
Here is the process:
When Phil releases a new version, I build the package and post it to my web site and annouce it here. Usually these have very little testing done and I annouce it here that it's up for test. After I have it running on the test machine for a week (for freash install) or a bit more and others have had a chance to play and there are no reports of issues, I'll submit the package to my testing update server which updates just my local machine here through yum. Then I try things out there for a week and see how the update goes. Then If there are no issues it gets posted to the update server.
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Post by jameswilson »

so am i right in thinking you maintain your update servers for us and your one zm machine?

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Post by cordel »

Yeah, Mostly for my one server :wink:

I wanted to try to make it as simple as possible for everyone.
Once I finnish shufling the servers around and compeate the build/test server I'll be able to do alot more. I just have to find a happy medium of what I want personaly and what I have available. Once the build server is done I'll be able to support building packages for alot more distrobutions as well. I have already started including all versions that are redhat based (centos, mandrake, suse, etc..) into the build specs and started making the files to build debian packages.

We'll see how it goes once it get there though :lol:
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Post by jameswilson »

Well thankyou very much from myslef and the rest of us here!!!
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Post by jameswilson »

Corey did you have a look at the mpeg streaming issue. ?

Regards James
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Post by cordel »

Yeah I was able to duplicate it here using a fresh install.
ffmpeg is giving a seg fault.
I'll find it and get what ever corrections up on the update servers as soon as I can.
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Post by jameswilson »

Nice one thanks Corey
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Post by cordel »

Okay, here is the deal :oops:
In my playing around, I had installed ffmpeg cvs, this was some time back mind you. I had decided at that time to wait to start building on it while some of the minor issues were worked out and stick with 0.4.8. I forgot to remove the libraries now packaged as libpostproc from both the machine I use to build, and my primary video server that I use. I don't know how this got by for so long with out showing up or why it even worked.

Apparently I have never tested mpg streaming on the fresh installs or something in ZM might have changed in the more recent package that calls for a feature in the new libraries. Which ever the case what I'm faced with now is do I build from CVS or do I go with the last release of ffmpeg? :?

I tend to want to go for the bleeding edge, opinions are more than welcome :D in fact I insist.
Please let me know your thoughts and concerns.


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Post by jameswilson »

bleeding edge is ok but i tend to prefer stability.
Im not sure how much work it would be but would to be on option.
ie on my home machine i wouldnt mind running a pre release, but for other things id rather loose a few cutting edge features for guaranteed stability.

Just my thoughts anyway.

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Post by RedFlyer »


Same opinion as James


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Post by cordel »

You realise that ffmpeg is still beta :roll:
Thats why I stuck with 0.4.8 for so long and the next/last 0.4.9-pre1 release has some issues as well.
Unfortunately making this an option in ZM which version to use is not an option. It will have to be what ever I compile ZM with. This is why I put it up for debate and asking for feedback. It would be really easy for me to use the last release as I would not have to package it or maintain it, but There has been alot done in cvs to fix issues and more added features.

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Post by jameswilson »

would 2 packages be an option then?
I would prefer the stick with the one we know works and leave the new ones alone in a production enviroment. But obviously the only way we are gonna find issues with the new one is wjhen we use it so im not sure here. I dont know enough at the mo to make zm use different ones.
Does this help?

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Post by cordel »

Once I get the build server complete building for both would be easy, just would have to find a naming convention so you can tell which zm package works with what version of ffmpeg. Other wise I have to install the pre1 version, build ZM, remove pre1, build cvs, build ZM, remove CVS. This would be a bit time consuming and subject to errors being introduced which I'm already good at doing sometimes, which is why were having this conversation to begin with. Maybe I'll package up the cvs version and see how it goes, I don't hink it can be any worse than 0.4.9-pre1 and if it works out good then I'll hold that package. I can always try out newer cvs builds and package any that have any significant improvements.

The other concern I have it this:
Q: Since FFmpeg is licensed under the LGPL, is it perfectly all right to incorporate the whole FFmpeg core into my own commercial product?
A: You might have a problem here. Sure the LGPL allows you to incorporate the code. However, there have been cases where companies have used FFmpeg in their projects, usually for such capabilities as superior MPEG-4 decoding. These companies found out that once you start trying to make money from certain technologies, the alleged owners of the technologies will come after their dues. Most notably, MPEG-LA (licensing authority) is vigilant and diligent about collecting for MPEG-related technologies.
While I make this for my self and comunitity, if someone were to start selling copies of the software.... I don't want them knocking at Phil's or my door :shock:

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Post by jameswilson »

didnt we have a similar issue with mysql. I though as long as you didnt sell the software you were ok?

Are there other things like ffmpeg that zm is reliant upon that get upraded
Coulde we not to do a STABLE and UNSTABLE BUILD.

ie STABLE would be pasckages we know to work and then a bleeding edge fault and mistake ridden one?
