I’m sincerely sorry to tell you that we will not push new firmware for the camera with hardware 3816M
They offered a partial refund. That WON'T cover the time and trouble it took to put this in a difficult to access location.
The camera is 2 years old.
Live and learn, I guess.
They said "your camera hardware is very old."
It is from their store and is 2 years, two months old.
They have offered "a very nice discount" now. No idea how much, though.
(Maybe because I told them I need 6 more to complete my system. True.)
Not interested.
I'm 68. Lucky one son is still here, otherwise it would cost me more than the camera just to pull it down and put another up where it is - high up on one rafter.
For any concerned, I know the streams for ZM will still be good after flash is dead.
But I won't be able to look at the images in a browser view when making adjustments, or confirm the video quality (which is excellent) if I can't look at them in the browsers.