Reolink RLC-810A only partially working

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Reolink RLC-810A only partially working

Post by djh »

I just installed ZoneMinder so apologies if I make posting errors.

I have an openSUSE Leap 15.0 system (yes I know I should upgrade it and I will in time). I installed ZM via YaST as described on ... s_for_SuSE so I have v1.32.3. I do use packman so I have the fully-enabled version I believe. ZM tells me that "An update to ZoneMinder is available. The latest release is v1.34.16, you have v1.32.3." but I haven't upgraded because I haven't seen any clear instructions that I should do so and have seen some suggestions that I should be careful.

Anyway, I have a recently-acquired Reolink RLC-810A camera that I'm trying to connect to ZM.

I have previously tried to connect to it using the Reolink web interface and that is successful at 'Balanced' or 'Fluent' resolutions but not at 'Clear' (i.e. full resolution) 'Current device won't support streaming in clear mode'. I don't understand why because it's on a local network connection of at least 100 Mbps.

I've also tried to connect to the RTSP streams using (packman) VLC and also totem etc. They all fail to connect
rtsp://admin:my_password@ whether I use h265 or h264 and _main or _sub except for rtsp://admin:my_password@

To connect to ZM I followed the instructions at ... inder_nvr/ and used the RTMP URLS. I have succeeded in connecting the _sub stream at rtmp:// but the main stream rtmp:// fails.

There are lots of error messages at http://localhost/zm/index.php?view=log&popup=1 but I don't understand how to extract the relevant bits to post here, or even what the relevant bits are. It appears to keep trying to connect the _main stream and failing. I'll post a bunch that may contain something useful:

Code: Select all

2021-02-10 12:54:36.301300 zmdc[1789] ['zma -m 2' started at 21/02/10 12:54:36]
2021-02-10 12:54:36.301290 zmdc[29235] ['zma -m 2' starting at 21/02/10 12:54:36, pid = 1789]
2021-02-10 12:54:36.291330 zmdc[29235] [Starting pending process, zma -m 2]
2021-02-10 12:54:35.370948 zmc_m2[1777].INF-zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp/163 [Priming capture from rtmp://]
2021-02-10 12:54:35.359921 zmc_m2[1777].INF-zmc.cpp/223 [Starting Capture version 1.32.3]
2021-02-10 12:54:35.281290 zmdc[29235] ['zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
2021-02-10 12:54:35.245432 zma_m2[1780].ERR-zm_monitor.cpp/477 [Shared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor Camera1_main]
2021-02-10 12:54:35.143270 zmdc[1780] ['zma -m 2' started at 21/02/10 12:54:35]
2021-02-10 12:54:35.143260 zmdc[29235] ['zma -m 2' starting at 21/02/10 12:54:35, pid = 1780]
2021-02-10 12:54:35.022050 zmdc[1777] ['zmc -m 2' started at 21/02/10 12:54:35]
2021-02-10 12:54:35.022050 zmdc[29235] ['zmc -m 2' starting at 21/02/10 12:54:35, pid = 1777]
2021-02-10 12:54:35.011330 zmdc[29235] [Can't find process with command of 'zmc -m 2']
2021-02-10 12:54:34.917740 zmdc[29235] [Command 'zma -m 2' removed from pending list at 21/02/10 12:54:34]
2021-02-10 12:54:34.881886 zmc_m1[30098].INF-zm_monitor.cpp/2477 [Camera_1: images:37600 - Capturing at 10.00 fps, capturing bandwidth 38329bytes/sec]
2021-02-10 12:54:34.823670 zmwatch[29283] [Restarting capture daemon for Camera1_main, shared data not valid]
2021-02-10 12:54:34.814280 zmwatch[29283] [Memory map file '/dev/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 1160 but was instead 0]
2021-02-10 12:54:31.142460 zmdc[29235] ['zma -m 2' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
2021-02-10 12:54:31.106147 zma_m2[1772].ERR-zm_monitor.cpp/538 [Got empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?]
2021-02-10 12:54:31.007080 zmdc[1772] ['zma -m 2' started at 21/02/10 12:54:31]
2021-02-10 12:54:31.007070 zmdc[29235] ['zma -m 2' starting at 21/02/10 12:54:31, pid = 1772]
2021-02-10 12:54:30.982910 zmdc[29235] [Starting pending process, zma -m 2]
Has anybody got an RLC-810A working? Any ideas on what the problem is with the _main stream? Should I upgrade ZM to the suggested v1.34.16 or not?
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Re: Reolink RLC-810A only partially working

Post by Magic919 »

In no particular order. Reolink are the ZM-friendly, so this really ought to work. I can't see any need to avoid RTSP, personally.

Get it working in VLC then copy over to ZM. ... dia-Player This page also mentions conditions when you'd get 'fluent', but not 'clear'.

Upgrading to 1.34.x would be good and there's probably not anything to fear. Stay there, as 1.35 is a development version.
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Re: Reolink RLC-810A only partially working

Post by dddave »


I had the same issue. I couldn't get anything apart from the sub feed working well on the 810A either :( just to warn others.

If anyone has success can you please post as it may change the future camera's that I buy. (Im returning this one to get a 5M model instead that I figure should work as well as the RLC-520's that we have running nicely).

From what I have found out from hours of fighting is that the 810A uses H264+ rather than H264. The API using the cgi interface (doesn't expose the person/vehicle detection), I pass the motion detection via GoLang from other Reolink camera's to ZoneMinder as a remote alarm, to save VM CPU processing which works well on other 5M based camera's. (I had planned to use these aspects which don't appear available at the moment via the API - so that it would only alarm when people were noticed - offloading the detection to the camera's).

Given: ... dia-Player

It sounds like the higher resolution camera's are limited due to the protocol upgrade. "Note: the 4k cameras connected with the 4k nvr system will only show fluent live stream instead of the clear live stream due to the H.264+(h.265) limit."

If anyone is looking to buy I'd suggest going for the older models, unless anyone can advise of some magical solution to getting what would be nice camera's working well at a good FPS in ZoneMinder?

Posting mainly as I would really like to use these newer 4k camera's but from this experience I will be holding off and using older 5M models, until they work well with ZM.

Good luck Magic919 - Hopefully you found a magic solution you can post or someone else will!
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Re: Reolink RLC-810A only partially working

Post by Last_Mile »

I got it to work, but I will never again buy another Reolink product. This is my second time and its been hell.
I never got motion detection to work with ZM.
Never again will I be fooled into purchasing these products with a reduced price two pack and a discount code. Money down the drain as far as I'm concerned. Any money saved did not offset the weeks of time and testing.

I'm using ZM in a docker: dlandon/zoneminder
Source Type: ffmpeg
Source Path: rtsp://admin:super_secret_passwd@
Options: reorder_queue_size=1000
Target Colorspace
Capture Resolution: 3840 x 2160
Save JPEGs Frames+Analysis
Video Writer: Disabled
Whether to store the audio stream when saving event: OFF
Buffers: 100, 25, 15, 15, 10, 1

Make sure the Reolink is not sending audio and motion alerts. Make sure the video resolution is correct.

NOTE: 3840x2160 looks great, but 2560x1440 actually performs better with fewer video artifacts.
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