With 1.34 all works fine
with new 1.36 uploaded events have no correct filename
For excample "-4.zip" is "Balcone-4.zip"
Upload filename problem
Upload filename problem
- Attachments
- Schermata 2021-08-03 alle 00.09.53.png (31.48 KiB) Viewed 4732 times
- Schermata 2021-08-03 alle 00.09.31.png (18.4 KiB) Viewed 4732 times
Re: Upload filename problem
Can this be addressed in your label format setting for email?
While I do not use the email function, my camera timestamp settings are as follows:
%N - %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S
While I do not use the email function, my camera timestamp settings are as follows:
%N - %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S