Zoneminder - only 6 cameras

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Zoneminder - only 6 cameras

Post by marioszlapa »

How is it possible that I can only see six cameras in montage mode. I tried looking for options that would allow more and several times tried to change distributions or simply reinstall system. The cameras that don't display picture in montage mode also dont record anything. The setup is exactly the same as in the ones that work.

Please help
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Re: Zoneminder - only 6 cameras

Post by bb99 »

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Re: Zoneminder - only 6 cameras

Post by blastter »

The other thing you must consider is the amount of RAM in PCs or RPi where you are using zoneminder, because in my case using a camera of 640x480 pixeles, color, zma and zmc, uses 153 MB per camera, and some times (in the raspberry pi), it just shows two cameras because of the 512 MB ram that RPi poses, ther ZMA and ZMC monitor would never start for a third camera. In PCs case, (just a theory), you can play with the swap space, allowing the system to process more cameras. Warning SWAP memory is much more slower than ram memory (unless you are using SSD, witch is slower, not much more Slower), so be careful with this.
Sorry for my English, Spanish native speacker.
Best Regards
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Re: Zoneminder - only 6 cameras

Post by malaka »

I'm facing the same issue.
when I access ZM through the local domain it only displays 6 views on "Montage" area. but when I access it through Cloudflare proxied domain it can display all 32 cameras.
how can I prevent this?
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Re: Zoneminder - only 6 cameras

Post by dougmccrary »

It's browser limitation.
Use multi-port to resolve.
Apparently cloudflair does something similar for you.