Zoneminder/CTU core CD distro

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Post by jameswilson »

Corey sorry to be a real pain in the bum but have you put something in to stop the webserver running when heavily loaded?
Reason i ask i have just tried exprting a 10 minute section to tar and i cant get it and all zm web pages goto page cannot be found. The fedora page comes up igf you just put the ip in but if you load it then zm stops till the load drops again

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Post by jameswilson »

Fixed changed all the apache options to default via webmin works ok now

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Post by jameswilson »

Corey, as you bulilt the ctu fc3 based distro is there a tool you used to create the cd. Id like to create a slimmed down cd from centos, and as its rh based im assuming the same tool would work? did you?

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Post by jameswilson »

Cordel FYI

There are some path issues in the ctu ZM
the control scripts are looking in the wrong folder they shoudl be



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Post by sgtdawg »

what control scripts are you refering to? I checked my test systems and found that the deamon control (init.d/zm), and package control ( scripts were pointing to the correct directory.
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Post by jameswilson »

sorry the ptz control scripts
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Post by cordel »

Really, that path is not really a configurable option and is part of the base code as far as I am aware. I'll look into it.

As far as a tool to create it, there is no one tool, not like LiveCD. I had to go into the source code for anaconda installer and change things to work how we wanted, add packages and there depends, rebuild the installer, build the new boot image, etc..., I wish there was one tool. Learning everything took a good solid 6 hours a day for five months I think it was but I had no prior linix knowledge and some programing back in collage.

There was more of course but doing a compeate how too I could easly write a book :roll:
If you want something more spacific as too what is installed let me know and I can see if I can make it happen. I am considering making two versions for FC4 but at the moment I have still alot to do before it will be ready (another month or so). One that will be like the FC3 version, and one that is headless so will be much lighter on the CD.

As far as Apache I have changed nothing. A config file is installed for zm for apache that gives the paths for the web and cgi locations and the allowed permissions of both. Nothing else.

Now would be a good time to voice what the first version lacked.
I'm still working out some issues with the ffmpeg package but should be there by next week.

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Post by jameswilson »

Christ I will forget that idea then im too green for that.

Apache. It appears that one of the virtual servers is set not to accept requests when thar machine has a higher than average load eg 2. Basically if i have been capturing at 25 fps (dont ask) and try to crate a video of it or export it. It stops. No viseo no export and for about 10 mins cant log into the box. If i create the same vid but from a 4 fps recording it is mostly ok. I caged someting in the virtual server setting for zm in apache but i cant remeber off hand.

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Info Hash for CTU Core Distro

Post by peterfbrown »

To Cordel I guess,

Thanks for the work with setting up the CTU core distro. And to Phil for ZM!

Months ago I got ZM sort of running on a FC3 box. I had used newer version of MySQL and PHP and ran into lots of problems, including some SELinux.

So I have an old machine and am going to try the CTU Core distro. Joined Linux Tracker, installed bittorrent and downloaded the CTU3-zm1.21.3-3.iso file. I also downloaded program hashcalc from SlavSoft to calculate the info hash.

When I check the downloaded file I do not get the same hash as on the linux tracker page. But the file size is the same. Do I have a corrupted file? What is the hash function? hashcalc can do MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, etc.

If the file is corrupted is it avaviable some where else?

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Post by cordel »

I belive that the hash is sha1 The torrent is pretty good at doing it's error checking so you should be okay. If you run into problems just PM me and I'll get ya a direct download. You should be able to put the cd in and in the options there sould be a command to check the MD5 sum that is placed in the image. I ment to get this to pop up like a normal Fedora install but I forgot. Also once I had made the image I forgot to check that it even worked....
Guess I better do that now. ;)


I checked and putting in the option
linux mediacheck
will check and make sure that the image is correct MD5 sum
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Info Hash for CTU Core Distro

Post by peterfbrown »

Cordel and Zoneminder,

Twice I have downloaded the torrent file from Linuxtracker and once from the CTU pointer you sent me last night. All three files I have downloaded have failed. Well, all three have a checksum (md5 and sha1) different from the one on linuxtracker. All three files are the same size as the one listed on Linuxtracker and all three files give the SAME checksum(md5 and sha1). Is the info hash on Linuxtracker correct? What hash does it use?

In years of downloading I have never had this much problem with a download.

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Post by cordel »

Have you tried burning the disc at a lower speed? I know the file that was uploaded on the torrent was good. And surely know that the iso here is good as I just made a CD from it last week.
Here is the md5sum -b on the iso file c8773918c4b24b6d556c633cf78881cb *

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Post by jameswilson »

i downloaded via the torrent and it worked first time
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Post by sgtdawg »

Are you having any problems actually burning or running the software?

The torrent application you are using should have automatically compared the checksum when it downloaded. It would give you an error in the application if there was a checksum error. I have used this image more then once and have never had a problem with it.
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chkconfig: command not found.

Post by metades »

I burned a CD of ZoneMinder and installed it on a new machine.

But when I do the command:

"chkconfig --levels 345 httpd on"


bash: chkconfig: command not found

what should I do?

Ubuntu user! :)