I've got an odd one that I only spotted a couple of weeks back. I'm running 1.36.12 which has been running perfectly now for a while. I noticed that if I view any specific monitor (e.g. /index.php?view=watch&mid=13) using Chrome (100.0.4896.127) or Edge (100.0.1185.50) I get an initial frame displayed but no stream. I do however see a number of errors in the log from ZMU:
2022-04-23 17:17:10 zmu 8157 ERR Bogus number of lines return from query, 0 returned for query SELECT `Id`, `Name`, `ServerId`, `StorageId`, `Type`, `Function`+0, `Enabled`, `DecodingEnabled`, `LinkedMonitors`, `AnalysisFPSLimit`, `AnalysisUpdateDelay`, `MaxFPS`, `AlarmMaxFPS`,`Device`, `Channel`, `Format`, `V4LMultiBuffer`, `V4LCapturesPerFrame`, `Protocol`, `Method`, `Options`, `User`, `Pass`, `Host`, `Port`, `Path`, `SecondPath`, `Width`, `Height`, `Colours`, `Palette`, `Orientation`+0, `Deinterlacing`, `DecoderHWAccelName`, `DecoderHWAccelDevice`, `RTSPDescribe`, `SaveJPEGs`, `VideoWriter`, `EncoderParameters`, `OutputCodec`, `Encoder`, `OutputContainer`, `RecordAudio`, `Brightness`, `Contrast`, `Hue`, `Colour`, `EventPrefix`, `LabelFormat`, `LabelX`, `LabelY`, `LabelSize`,`ImageBufferCount`, `MaxImageBufferCount`, `WarmupCount`, `PreEventCount`, `PostEventCount`, `StreamReplayBuffer`, `AlarmFrameCount`, `SectionLength`, `MinSectionLength`, `FrameSkip`, `MotionFrameSkip`, `FPSReportInterval`, `RefBlendPerc`, `AlarmRefBlendPerc`, `TrackMotion`, `Exif`,`RTSPServer`, `RTSPStreamName`,`SignalCheckPoints`, `SignalCheckColour`, `Importance`-1 FROM `Monitors` WHERE Id=1. zm_db.cpp 153
2022-04-23 17:17:10 zmu 8155 ERR Unable to load monitor 1 zmu.cpp 497
2022-04-23 17:17:10 zmu 8155 ERR Can't use query result: zm_monitor.cpp 903
Interestingly in the dumped query the "Id" field only contains the first digit of the monitor Id... So for my monitor 13 it shows "Where Id=1", for my Monitor 22 it shows "Where Id=2" and so on.
Everything else is working fine... capture, analysis, playback of events, even montage are all working as expected.
Interestingly if I carry out the same test using Firefox the streaming works correctly and I DO NOT get the errors in the log.
I know there's been a number of mentions of Chrome version detection issues and I wasn't sure if this was one of them?
I have Cambozola disabled (unchecked) in config.
Has anyone else seen this?
ZMU - Bogus number of lines return from query
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:14 pm
ZMU - Bogus number of lines return from query
Zoneminder 1.36.15 running under:
Fedora 35, Ryzen 5 3600x, 24Gb RAM, 512Gb WD Blue SN570 System SDD, 4TB Seagate Skyhawk Event HDD
Numerous Reolink RLC-410 (Wired IP)
Fedora 35, Ryzen 5 3600x, 24Gb RAM, 512Gb WD Blue SN570 System SDD, 4TB Seagate Skyhawk Event HDD
Numerous Reolink RLC-410 (Wired IP)
Re: ZMU - Bogus number of lines return from query
Huh, I see the same thing - Chrome causes it to generate that error, Firefox does not.
And I see a zmu -m 1 running.
And I see a zmu -m 1 running.
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:14 pm
Re: ZMU - Bogus number of lines return from query
Glad it's not just me then, I was starting to think it was something specific to my set up.
Zoneminder 1.36.15 running under:
Fedora 35, Ryzen 5 3600x, 24Gb RAM, 512Gb WD Blue SN570 System SDD, 4TB Seagate Skyhawk Event HDD
Numerous Reolink RLC-410 (Wired IP)
Fedora 35, Ryzen 5 3600x, 24Gb RAM, 512Gb WD Blue SN570 System SDD, 4TB Seagate Skyhawk Event HDD
Numerous Reolink RLC-410 (Wired IP)
- Posts: 12
- Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:14 pm
Re: ZMU - Bogus number of lines return from query
This issue was resolved for me following an upgrade to 1.36.15
Zoneminder 1.36.15 running under:
Fedora 35, Ryzen 5 3600x, 24Gb RAM, 512Gb WD Blue SN570 System SDD, 4TB Seagate Skyhawk Event HDD
Numerous Reolink RLC-410 (Wired IP)
Fedora 35, Ryzen 5 3600x, 24Gb RAM, 512Gb WD Blue SN570 System SDD, 4TB Seagate Skyhawk Event HDD
Numerous Reolink RLC-410 (Wired IP)