So I also have this problem, and it might be worthwhile to add what I've found out so far. I'm running two streams from one camera, one high res (that does not get decoded) and one low res (that is decoded). I have the high res stream in Nodect and low res in Mocord. I only get this warning on the cameras that are on low resolution and thus running Mocord:
Code: Select all
Date/Time Component PID Level Message File Line
2022-06-07 17:38:56 zmc_m4 17619 WAR pkt.dts(50625767) must be zm_videostore.cpp 1343
2022-06-07 17:38:56 zmc_m4 17619 WAR non increasing dts, fixing. our dts 50604891 stream 0 last_dts 50625767 zm_videostore.cpp 1332
If I change the mode on the camera to Monitor or even Modect the warning disappears. I have tried to restart the cameras and the server but the same error comes up. I'm currently on 1.36.19, but it appeared on 1.36.17 but not on 1.36.12 or 13, which I used before upgrading a few days ago.
There is no apparent problem, it's just that it clutters the logs that are annoying, so everything works fine.
EDIT: It turns out that when there is an alarm the same warning comes up for the high res cams, which is understandable as it isn't decoded all the time.