Avg Score Purge
Avg Score Purge
So, I am just asking for any ideas on this, but I set up a filter to purge an recordings that have an average score of 3 or less, simply because I have mostly outdoor cameras, and I have a lot of bugs, spiders and spiderwebs (sometimes wind related items too) both night and day that will cause a 9 second recording with a score of 3 or less. What I have found though, is if I have this rule set to run in the background, it seems to delete a lot of recordings, possibly before they are finished, and so I had a few cameras with no recordings. As soon as I turned the run on background option off, I started getting recordings again. Am I approaching this incorrectly? What should I change to fix this? Would run concurrently work better instead of in background? Thanks guys.
Re: Avg Score Purge
You need to add an EndDate/Time IS NOT NULL rule.
Re: Avg Score Purge
I will give that a try. Thank you!