I have one 1980x1080 camera, and left ZM settings untouched, meaning it defaulted to Mocord, ffmpeg, with a full-frame zone for analysis.
Pretty much as soon as it was all up and running, ZM was rendering the server inaccessible via remote access (Webmin) and inoperable from local CLI (slow or unresponsive to keystrokes). I could hear the drive chugging away constantly too. A hard reboot only brought a few minutes' joy.
I changed analysis FPS to 5, changed to Modect, and created a single much smaller test zone with best-high-sensitivity. Based on a comment on Github, I disabled decoding in other options (Nodect, etc).
For most of the afternoon ZM was then using about 50% of CPU, based on Webmin's Running Processes view, but it climbed slowly and this morning it was at 92%, and I can hear more disk activity. The disk has heaps of space. Back home this evening and it is the same. ZM's own load indicator varies between about 0.9 and 1.5. Viewing an alarm takes it up to 2.5.
I just restarted the server and the output from top is:
Code: Select all
www-data 20 0 704732 316516 51628 S 57.9 16.7 5:26.08 zmc