jameswilson wrote:can you create a folder manualyy in this directory as user apache?
When I try to:
as root, I get immediately logged out because the shell for the user apache is set to /bin/false.
If I change the shell to something, like /bin/bash, and then try to touch a file, it works just fine.
Again, it's strange that through the web interface, I'm able to add/change/delete sources and the changes are reflected in the events directory. For example, if I was to delete source id 7, the directory and the symbolic link would successfully be deleted from the events directory. If I then create a new source, it would be number 8, and the directory 8 and the corresponding symbolic link would be created in the events directory as the user apache. I'm getting no permission denied errors with this. It's only when I start to try and record something that the errors occur.
I even tried changing the directory from "events" to "newevents" but the error still comes back.
Code: Select all
Can't make newevents: Permission denied
What am I missing?