I'm running ZM in a TrueNAS jail. Last night I updated zoneminder from 1.3.4 to 1.3.6 using zmupdate.pl. At the end of the install, I got an error about strerror_l@FBSD_1.6.
Some research led me to upgrade from base 12.3 to 13.1. After the upgrade, the jail starts, and zoneminder appears to be running, but I can't access the GUI.
I have checked the event database and it is still recording events. I just can't log in to see the GUI.
I've got five cameras, 50 zones and a lot of settings. I would prefer to get back into this GUI, rather than rebuild. However, I would be happy to re-install, if I can avoid losing my entire configuration.
Thoughts on next steps?
Zoneminder Running but Cannot Access GUI
Re: Zoneminder Running but Cannot Access GUI
Following this guide, https://phoenixnap.com/kb/how-to-backup ... l-database, I made a backup, then I left the old install alone, and created a new jail install to test with. I ran a restore. While I did get an error, my setup came back in the new install.
I'd still love to figure out what happened to the old version - which is still running in the background.
Code: Select all
mysql -u dbadmin -p zm < zm-dbbackup.sql
Enter password:
ERROR 1840 (HY000) at line 1791: @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.
Re: Zoneminder Running but Cannot Access GUI
This turned out to be an nginx problem. The update invalidated my certificates (probably created new ones with different names, and it was reading one old and one new - my guess). Nginx wouldn't start. I attempted to create a new SSL certificate myself, but was struggling. In the end, I created a new zoneminder instance, then copied the certificates from that into my install and updated zoneminder.conf