sub streams for Montage View

Discussions related to the 1.36.x series of ZoneMinder
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sub streams for Montage View

Post by ZMfan »

Isaac, are there any plans to implement use of a second (sub) stream for Montage View for main stream? in Montage View looking at sub streams with low resolution when choosing a monitor, display the main stream with hight resolution.
I see field "second source path" in the monitor settings. Is this for the above described function? if so, how to configure it?
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Re: sub streams for Montage View

Post by iconnor »

Plans, no. Have I thought about it? Yes. Does it seem like a good idea? In general yes. Sometimes the sub stream has a different aspect ratio, frame rate, etc... but that's not really our problem.

Honestly, I've got so many thoughts and ideas on how to make ZoneMinder the most efficient bad-ass VMS... but I'm not working on any of it anymore. I'm only working on things that people pay for. Which sucks. Hopefully things will change, but I think for them to do so, we need more people directly involved in developing ZoneMinder. Not just me.
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Re: sub streams for Montage View

Post by JasonBorn »

iconnor wrote: Wed Mar 08, 2023 1:22 pm Plans, no. Have I thought about it? Yes. Does it seem like a good idea? In general yes. Sometimes the sub stream has a different aspect ratio, frame rate, etc... but that's not really our problem.

Honestly, I've got so many thoughts and ideas on how to make ZoneMinder the most efficient bad-ass VMS... but I'm not working on any of it anymore. I'm only working on things that people pay for. Which sucks. Hopefully things will change, but I think for them to do so, we need more people directly involved in developing ZoneMinder. Not just me.
is there a list of features on which you are working? Maybe people will vote for a feature and spend you money for it when they see it.
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