Help with after restoring zm mysql database

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Help with after restoring zm mysql database

Post by linuxnutt »

Hello, perhaps this is a big ask but I'm trying to migrate restore zoneminder zm mysql database. My issue is with, it doesn't complete the database update from zoneminder version 1.30.4 to 1.37.40.
mysql dumpfile restore completes, mysql --user=root -p zm < /home/useraccount/mysql_backups/my-zm_sql_backups.sql

$ sudo mysql --user=root -p zm < /home/useraccount/mysql_backups/my-zm_sql_backups.sql
[sudo] password for useraccount:
Enter password:

But afterwords while using to update database it errors;
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 83: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Groups t CROSS JOIN ( SELECT a.N + b.N * 10 + 1 n FROM (SELECT 0 A' at line 1
Command 'mysql -uzmuser -p'somepassword' -hlocalhost zm < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-1.31.16.sql' exited with status: 1

I'm not concerned about events or images just the monitor configurations, etc.

Initiating database upgrade to version 1.37.40 from version 1.30.4

Do you wish to take a backup of your database prior to upgrading?
This may result in a large file in /var/tmp/zm if you have a lot of events.
Press 'y' for a backup or 'n' to continue : n

Upgrading database to version 1.37.40
Upgrading DB to 1.31.0 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.0.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.1 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.1.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.2 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.2.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.3 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.3.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.4 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.4.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.5 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.5.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.6 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.6.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.7 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.7.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.8 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.8.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.9 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.9.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.10 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.10.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.11 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.11.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.12 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.12.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.13 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.13.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.14 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.14.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.15 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.15.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.16 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 83: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Groups t CROSS JOIN ( SELECT a.N + b.N * 10 + 1 n FROM (SELECT 0 A' at line 1
Command 'mysql -uzmuser -p'somepassword' -hlocalhost zm < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-1.31.16.sql' exited with status: 1
What is causing to error and what do I have to do to fix it to allow the database to upgrade. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Help with after restoring zm mysql database

Post by iconnor »

The line that is failing migrates groups membership from the old style of storing them to the new style. If you don't have groups, or are willing to rebuild the relationships manually you can simply delete or rename this update file. The rest of the db structures have successfully updated so you should be fine. You can also come back to this file later if you want.

So ... mv /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-1.31.16.sql /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-1.31.16.sql.ignore
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Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:06 am

Re: Help with after restoring zm mysql database

Post by linuxnutt »

Thank you so much for the help, so
"sudo mv /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-1.31.16.sql /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-1.31.16.sql.ignore", worked fine.

Proceeded with sudo, but stopped with a new error:

Code: Select all

$ sudo
Database successfully upgraded to version 1.31.18.
Upgrading DB to 1.31.19 from 1.30.4
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 1419 (HY000) at line 25: You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)
Command 'mysql -uzmuser -p'some password' -hlocalhost zm < /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-1.31.19.sql' exited with status: 1

Googling this stuff can sometimes be more confusing than ever, but on the surface this error seems to be a security risk especially if replication is involved. What is the solution here? I not using replication for this setup, but SQL replication is important for those needing it. Is the SUPER privilage needed for so the databases structures are updated correctly. Do I add "log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1" to my.cnf under /etc/mysql/. Is binary logging needed now? If binary logging isn't needed remove the "option --log-bin" , and where and how do I remove "log-bin" from the mysql server.

I tried to restart zoneminder to see if it would startup hoping the zm DB was ok that had updated the structures but zoneminder and zm DB seem to be hosed.

Code: Select all

$ sudo systemctl start zoneminder
Job for zoneminder.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status zoneminder.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
slnutt@media2 ~/mysql_backups $ 
slnutt@media2 ~/mysql_backups $ 
slnutt@media2 ~/mysql_backups $ systemctl status zoneminder.service
● zoneminder.service - ZoneMinder CCTV recording and surveillance system
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/zoneminder.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: activating (start) since Fri 2023-05-19 18:19:48 PDT; 129ms ago
Cntrl PID: 8240 (
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 19045)
     Memory: 10.7M
     CGroup: /system.slice/zoneminder.service
             └─8240 /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/ start

May 19 18:19:48 media2 systemd[1]: Starting ZoneMinder CCTV recording and surveillance system...
slnutt@media2 ~/mysql_backups $ 
slnutt@media2 ~/mysql_backups $ journalctl -xe
-- A start job for unit zoneminder.service has begun execution.
-- The job identifier is 18990.
May 19 18:20:21 media2 zmpkg[8334]: INF [Sanity checking States table...]
May 19 18:20:21 media2 zmpkg[8334]: INF [Command: start]
May 19 18:20:21 media2 sudo[8349]:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/share/zoneminder/www ; USER=www-data ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/true
May 19 18:20:21 media2 sudo[8349]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user www-data by (uid=0)
May 19 18:20:21 media2 sudo[8349]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user www-data
May 19 18:20:21 media2 sudo[8351]:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/share/zoneminder/www ; USER=www-data ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/ check
May 19 18:20:21 media2 sudo[8351]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user www-data by (uid=0)
May 19 18:20:21 media2 sudo[8351]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user www-data
May 19 18:20:21 media2 zmpkg[8334]: FAT [Version mismatch, system is version 1.37.40, database is 1.30.4, please run to update.]
May 19 18:20:22 media2 systemd[1]: zoneminder.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION
-- Subject: Unit process exited
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- An ExecStart= process belonging to unit zoneminder.service has exited.
-- The process' exit code is 'exited' and its exit status is 255.
May 19 18:20:22 media2 systemd[1]: zoneminder.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
-- Subject: Unit failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- The unit zoneminder.service has entered the 'failed' state with result 'exit-code'.
May 19 18:20:22 media2 systemd[1]: Failed to start ZoneMinder CCTV recording and surveillance system.
-- Subject: A start job for unit zoneminder.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- A start job for unit zoneminder.service has finished with a failure.
-- The job identifier is 18990 and the job result is failed.
lines 3437-3471/3471 (END)

I'm not familiar with mysql so need help getting through this.
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Re: Help with after restoring zm mysql database

Post by iconnor »

Try -s
Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:06 am

Re: Help with after restoring zm mysql database

Post by linuxnutt »

Thanks for sticking with me on this ... "sudo -s" did the trick !! The update for database finished successfully:

$ sudo -s
Database successfully upgraded to version 1.37.39.
Upgrading DB to 1.37.40 from 1.30.4
Database successfully upgraded to version 1.37.40.
Database upgrade to version 1.37.40 successful.

Zoneminder starts up but there is a problem after this, not sure what excally is happening here but;
a) I have no camera configurations visible in the console view, at start up system loan goes crazy Load: 4.78., DB: 22/151, Memory: 63% Swap: 14%, its really working hard.
b) I purposefully did not save any events when I did a new Mint 20.3 install, but zoneminder is complaining the events don't exist. Also
the new Support for executing a command on start/stop of event, removing the need for zmeventserver looks like it maybe contributing to the errors
I'm seeing.
c) I think the events artifacts configuration still in the ZMDB along with no events and images present in /var/cache/events and images are causing the
logging errors and extreme load on the system.

How do I correct this problem are the remains of these events still in the tables in mysql zm data causing the problem, and if so how do I get ride of them without corrupting the db further ???

My expectations for this new install of Mint 20.3, and Zoneminder 1.37.40, Mysql-server 8.0.33;
Do the installs, according to these reference points:
How to Install ZoneMinder on Ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 LTS ... 20-04-lts/, and
How to Install ZoneMinder-Master ,latest (revised) on UBUNTU 20.04 LTS ( Focal Fossa) ... cal_Fossa)
Restore mysql zmbd from backup run according to these references:
Mysql Database Maintenance & Optimization
How to backup/restore database?

I felt that I have a pretty good understanding from the reading and working with Zoneminder,and help from others here over the years.
At this point with all that is going on I'm treating it as a learning experience to see how I can fix broken things.

Zoneminder Start up:

Code: Select all

$ sudo systemctl status zoneminder
● zoneminder.service - ZoneMinder CCTV recording and surveillance system
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/zoneminder.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2023-05-21 12:41:49 PDT; 5min ago
    Process: 422011 ExecStart=/usr/bin/ start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 422036 (
      Tasks: 43 (limit: 19045)
     Memory: 3.6G
     CGroup: /system.slice/zoneminder.service
             ├─422036 /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/ startup
             ├─422071 /usr/bin/ --id 3
             ├─422081 /usr/bin/ --id 7
             ├─422088 /usr/bin/zmc -m 8
             ├─422093 /usr/bin/ --id 8
             ├─422098 /usr/bin/zmc -m 10
             ├─422110 /usr/bin/zmc -m 14
             ├─422118 /usr/bin/zmc -m 17
             ├─422132 /usr/bin/ --id 24
             ├─422138 /usr/bin/zmc -m 25
             ├─422143 /usr/bin/ --id 25
             ├─422159 /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/ --filter_id=1 --daemon
             ├─422166 /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/ --filter_id=2 --daemon
             ├─422179 /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/ --filter_id=3 --daemon
             ├─422191 /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/ -c
             ├─422199 /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/
             ├─422209 /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/ -c
             ├─422218 /usr/bin/perl -wT /usr/bin/
             ├─422245 /usr/bin/zmc -m 24
             ├─422288 /usr/bin/zmc -m 3
             └─422556 /usr/bin/zmc -m 7

May 21 12:47:35 media2 zmc_m7[422556]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 49 than 40 entries]
May 21 12:47:35 media2 zmfilter_3[422179]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/21/01/16/17/42/09:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 24 AvgScore => 33 Cause => Signal EndDateTime => 2021-01-16 1>
May 21 12:47:36 media2 zmc_m7[422556]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 48 than 40 entries]
May 21 12:47:36 media2 zmfilter_3[422179]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/8/21/01/16/17/42/08:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 1 AvgScore => 100 Cause => Signal EndDateTime => 2021-01-16 1>
May 21 12:47:36 media2 zmc_m7[422556]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 47 than 40 entries]
May 21 12:47:36 media2 zmfilter_3[422179]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/22/21/01/16/17/42/19:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 15 AvgScore => 15 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-16 >
May 21 12:47:36 media2 zmc_m7[422556]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 46 than 40 entries]
May 21 12:47:36 media2 zmfilter_3[422179]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/23/21/01/16/17/42/25:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 2 AvgScore => 38 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-16 1>
May 21 12:47:36 media2 zmc_m7[422556]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 45 than 40 entries]
May 21 12:47:36 media2 zmfilter_3[422179]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/7/21/01/16/17/45/24:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 3 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-16 17:>
lines 13-40/40 (END)

Tail of Syslog at startup: 

May 21 11:02:42 media2 systemd[1]: Starting ZoneMinder CCTV recording and surveillance system...
May 21 11:02:43 media2 zmpkg[419154]: INF [Sanity checking States table...]
May 21 11:02:43 media2 zmpkg[419154]: INF [Command: start]
May 21 11:02:44 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [Server starting at 23/05/21 11:02:44]
May 21 11:02:45 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [Socket should be open at /run/zm/zmdc.sock]
May 21 11:02:45 media2 zmpkg[419154]: INF [Single server configuration detected. Starting up services.]
May 21 11:02:46 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 3' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:46, pid = 419207]
May 21 11:02:46 media2 zmdc[419207]: INF ['zmc -m 3' started at 23/05/21 11:02:46]
May 21 11:02:46 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 3' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:46, pid = 419211]
May 21 11:02:46 media2 zmdc[419211]: INF [' --id 3' started at 23/05/21 11:02:46]
May 21 11:02:46 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 7' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:46, pid = 419216]
May 21 11:02:46 media2 zmdc[419216]: INF ['zmc -m 7' started at 23/05/21 11:02:46]
May 21 11:02:47 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 7' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:47, pid = 419220]
May 21 11:02:47 media2 zmdc[419220]: INF [' --id 7' started at 23/05/21 11:02:47]
May 21 11:02:48 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 8' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:48, pid = 419225]
May 21 11:02:48 media2 zmdc[419225]: INF ['zmc -m 8' started at 23/05/21 11:02:48]
May 21 11:02:48 media2 zmcontrol_3[419211]: INF [Starting control server 3/FI9821W_Y2k]
May 21 11:02:48 media2 zmcontrol_7[419220]: INF [Starting control server 7/DCS5020L]
May 21 11:02:48 media2 zmcontrol_3[419211]: INF [Control server 3/FI9821W_Y2k starting at 23/05/21 11:02:48]
May 21 11:02:48 media2 zmcontrol_7[419220]: INF [Control server 7/DCS5020L starting at 23/05/21 11:02:48]
May 21 11:02:48 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 8' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:48, pid = 419229]
May 21 11:02:48 media2 zmdc[419229]: INF [' --id 8' started at 23/05/21 11:02:48]
May 21 11:02:49 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 10' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:48, pid = 419234]
May 21 11:02:49 media2 zmdc[419234]: INF ['zmc -m 10' started at 23/05/21 11:02:49]
May 21 11:02:49 media2 zmcontrol_8[419229]: INF [Starting control server 8/FI9821W_Y2k]
May 21 11:02:49 media2 zmcontrol_8[419229]: INF [Control server 8/FI9821W_Y2k starting at 23/05/21 11:02:49]
May 21 11:02:49 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 10' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:49, pid = 419238]
May 21 11:02:49 media2 zmdc[419238]: INF [' --id 10' started at 23/05/21 11:02:49]
May 21 11:02:50 media2 zmcontrol_10[419238]: ERR [Can't load ZoneMinder::Control::amcrest781#012Could not find or check module 'ZoneMinder::Control::amcrest781']
May 21 11:02:50 media2 zmdc[419243]: INF ['zmc -m 14' started at 23/05/21 11:02:50]
May 21 11:02:50 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 14' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:50, pid = 419243]
May 21 11:02:50 media2 zmcontrol_10[419238]: FAT [No protocol is set in monitor. Please edit the monitor, edit control type, select the control capability and fill in the Protocol field]
May 21 11:02:50 media2 zmdc[419177]: ERR [' --id 10' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
May 21 11:02:50 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 17' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:50, pid = 419247]
May 21 11:02:50 media2 zmdc[419247]: INF ['zmc -m 17' started at 23/05/21 11:02:50]
May 21 11:02:50 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [Starting pending process, --id 10]
May 21 11:02:51 media2 zmdc[419250]: INF [' --id 10' started at 23/05/21 11:02:51]
May 21 11:02:51 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 10' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:51, pid = 419250]
May 21 11:02:51 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 24' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:51, pid = 419252]
May 21 11:02:51 media2 zmdc[419252]: INF ['zmc -m 24' started at 23/05/21 11:02:51]
May 21 11:02:51 media2 zmcontrol_10[419250]: ERR [Can't load ZoneMinder::Control::amcrest781#012Could not find or check module 'ZoneMinder::Control::amcrest781']
May 21 11:02:51 media2 zmcontrol_10[419250]: FAT [No protocol is set in monitor. Please edit the monitor, edit control type, select the control capability and fill in the Protocol field]
May 21 11:02:51 media2 zmdc[419257]: INF [' --id 24' started at 23/05/21 11:02:51]
May 21 11:02:51 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 24' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:51, pid = 419257]
May 21 11:02:51 media2 zmdc[419177]: ERR [' --id 10' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
May 21 11:02:52 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 25' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:52, pid = 419262]
May 21 11:02:52 media2 zmdc[419262]: INF ['zmc -m 25' started at 23/05/21 11:02:52]
May 21 11:02:52 media2 zmdc[419266]: INF [' --id 25' started at 23/05/21 11:02:52]
May 21 11:02:52 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 25' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:52, pid = 419266]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 26' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:53, pid = 419271]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmdc[419271]: INF ['zmc -m 26' started at 23/05/21 11:02:53]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmc_m26[419271]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Error loading libvlc: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmc_m26[419271]: INF [zmc_m26] [Starting Capture version 1.37.40]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: INF [zmc_m7] [Starting Capture version 1.37.40]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --filter_id=1 --daemon' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:53, pid = 419294]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmdc[419294]: INF [' --filter_id=1 --daemon' started at 23/05/21 11:02:53]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmc_m10[419234]: INF [zmc_m10] [Starting Capture version 1.37.40]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmc_m17[419247]: INF [zmc_m17] [Starting Capture version 1.37.40]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmc_m3[419207]: INF [zmc_m3] [Starting Capture version 1.37.40]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmc_m24[419252]: INF [zmc_m24] [Starting Capture version 1.37.40]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmc_m25[419262]: INF [zmc_m25] [Starting Capture version 1.37.40]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmc_m8[419225]: INF [zmc_m8] [Starting Capture version 1.37.40]
May 21 11:02:53 media2 zmc_m14[419243]: INF [zmc_m14] [Starting Capture version 1.37.40]
May 21 11:02:54 media2 zmc_m26[419271]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Got signal 11 (Segmentation fault), crashing]
May 21 11:02:54 media2 zmc_m26[419271]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Signal address is (nil), no instruction pointer]
May 21 11:02:54 media2 zmc_m26[419271]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Backtrace 0: /usr/bin/zmc(+0xf5db2) [0x5618b0004db2]]
May 21 11:02:54 media2 zmc_m26[419271]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Backtrace 1: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f495149d420]]
May 21 11:02:54 media2 zmc_m26[419271]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Backtrace complete, please install debug symbols (typically zoneminder-dbg)]
May 21 11:02:54 media2 zmc_m26[419271]: ERR [zmc_m26] [and execute the following command for more information:]
May 21 11:02:54 media2 zmc_m26[419271]: ERR [zmc_m26] [addr2line -Cfip -e /usr/bin/zmc 0xf5db2]
May 21 11:02:54 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --filter_id=2 --daemon' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:54, pid = 419300]
May 21 11:02:54 media2 zmdc[419300]: INF [' --filter_id=2 --daemon' started at 23/05/21 11:02:54]
May 21 11:02:55 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --filter_id=3 --daemon' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:55, pid = 419308]
May 21 11:02:55 media2 zmdc[419308]: INF [' --filter_id=3 --daemon' started at 23/05/21 11:02:55]
May 21 11:02:55 media2 zmfilter_1[419294]: INF [Scanning for events using filter id '1']
May 21 11:02:55 media2 zmfilter_2[419300]: INF [Scanning for events using filter id '2']
May 21 11:02:55 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' -c' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:55, pid = 419314]
May 21 11:02:55 media2 zmdc[419314]: INF [' -c' started at 23/05/21 11:02:55]
May 21 11:02:56 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: INF [Scanning for events using filter id '3']
May 21 11:02:56 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [Starting pending process, --id 10]
May 21 11:02:56 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: INF [zmc_m7] [Camera3-DCS5020L-M7: 10 - Capturing at 4.00 fps, capturing bandwidth 195824bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:02:56 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 10' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:56, pid = 419322]
May 21 11:02:56 media2 zmdc[419322]: INF [' --id 10' started at 23/05/21 11:02:56]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmc_m25[419262]: WAR [zmc_m25] [Monitor dimensions are 640x480 but camera is sending 1920x1080]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmc_m24[419252]: WAR [zmc_m24] [Monitor dimensions are 640x480 but camera is sending 1920x1080]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmc_m24[419252]: INF [zmc_m24] [Camera12-BesderA6-PTZ-M24: 0 - Capturing at 0.00 fps, capturing bandwidth 46bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmc_m25[419262]: INF [zmc_m25] [Camera13-BesderseA6-PTZ-M25: 0 - Capturing at 0.00 fps, capturing bandwidth 46bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmcontrol_24[419257]: INF [Starting control server 24/Netcat]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmcontrol_25[419266]: INF [Starting control server 25/Netcat]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:57, pid = 419329]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmdc[419329]: INF ['' started at 23/05/21 11:02:57]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmcontrol_10[419322]: ERR [Can't load ZoneMinder::Control::amcrest781#012Could not find or check module 'ZoneMinder::Control::amcrest781']
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmc_m14[419243]: WAR [zmc_m14] [Monitor dimensions are 640x480 but camera is sending 1280x720]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmcontrol_24[419257]: INF [Control server 24/Netcat starting at 23/05/21 11:02:57]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmdc[419177]: ERR ['zmc -m 26' exited abnormally, exit status 11]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmcontrol_25[419266]: INF [Control server 25/Netcat starting at 23/05/21 11:02:57]
May 21 11:02:57 media2 zmcontrol_10[419322]: FAT [No protocol is set in monitor. Please edit the monitor, edit control type, select the control capability and fill in the Protocol field]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmc_m10[419234]: WAR [zmc_m10] [Monitor dimensions are 640x480 but camera is sending 1920x1080]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 26]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmc_m3[419207]: WAR [zmc_m3] [Monitor dimensions are 640x480 but camera is sending 1280x720]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmc_m10[419234]: INF [zmc_m10] [Camera6-IP2M-841B-M10: 0 - Capturing at 0.00 fps, capturing bandwidth 71bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 26' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:58, pid = 419341]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmdc[419341]: INF ['zmc -m 26' started at 23/05/21 11:02:58]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmwatch[419329]: INF [Watchdog starting, pausing for 30 seconds]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmdc[419177]: ERR [' --id 10' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: INF [zmc_m7] [Camera3-DCS5020L-M7: 20 - Capturing at 5.13 fps, capturing bandwidth 242384bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmc_m14[419243]: INF [zmc_m14] [Camera10-IMP-723B-M14: 10 - Capturing at 2.19 fps, capturing bandwidth 3603bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmdc[419344]: INF [' -c' started at 23/05/21 11:02:58]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' -c' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:58, pid = 419344]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmc_m24[419252]: INF [zmc_m24] [Camera12-BesderA6-PTZ-M24: 20 - Capturing at 13.68 fps, capturing bandwidth 11961bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:02:58 media2 zmc_m17[419247]: WAR [zmc_m17] [Monitor dimensions are 640x480 but camera is sending 704x480]
May 21 11:02:59 media2 zmc_m25[419262]: INF [zmc_m25] [Camera13-BesderseA6-PTZ-M25: 20 - Capturing at 13.32 fps, capturing bandwidth 57069bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:02:59 media2 zmc_m3[419207]: INF [zmc_m3] [Camera1-FI9831Pv2-M3: 10 - Capturing at 2.00 fps, capturing bandwidth 4158bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:02:59 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/21/01/13/15/10/09:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 6 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:10:37 Frames => 94 Height => 480 Id => 1099541 Length => 27.87 MaxScore => 2 MonitorId => 5 Name => Event-1099541 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:10:09 TotScore => 12 Width => 640]
May 21 11:02:59 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/21/01/13/15/11/39:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 2 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:11:56 Frames => 58 Height => 480 Id => 1099542 Length => 17.07 MaxScore => 2 MonitorId => 5 Name => Event-1099542 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:11:39 TotScore => 4 Width => 640]
May 21 11:02:59 media2 zmc_m17[419247]: INF [zmc_m17] [DVR_FrontDoor-C1-M17: 0 - Capturing at 0.00 fps, capturing bandwidth 11bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:02:59 media2 zmdc[419350]: INF ['' started at 23/05/21 11:02:59]
May 21 11:02:59 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['' starting at 23/05/21 11:02:59, pid = 419350]
May 21 11:02:59 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/21/01/13/15/11/51:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 4 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:12:12 Frames => 72 Height => 480 Id => 1099543 Length => 21.27 MaxScore => 2 MonitorId => 5 Name => Event-1099543 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:11:51 TotScore => 8 Width => 640]
May 21 11:02:59 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: INF [zmc_m7] [Camera3-DCS5020L-M7: 015 - ExtAlm - Gone into alarm state PreAlarmCount: 0 > AlarmFrameCount:1 Cause:Motion:All]
May 21 11:02:59 media2 zmc_m10[419234]: INF [zmc_m10] [Camera6-IP2M-841B-M10: 20 - Capturing at 11.59 fps, capturing bandwidth 583317bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmupdate[419344]: INF [Update agent starting at 23/05/21 11:03:00]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/21/01/13/15/12/20:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 1 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:12:34 Frames => 51 Height => 480 Id => 1099544 Length => 14.44 MaxScore => 2 MonitorId => 5 Name => Event-1099544 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:12:20 TotScore => 2 Width => 640]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m3[419207]: INF [zmc_m3] [Camera1-FI9831Pv2-M3: 20 - Capturing at 9.82 fps, capturing bandwidth 37335bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 systemd[1]: Started ZoneMinder CCTV recording and surveillance system.
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m26[419341]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Error loading libvlc: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m26[419341]: INF [zmc_m26] [Starting Capture version 1.37.40]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: ERR [zmc_m7] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Events` ( `MonitorId`, `StorageId`, `Name`, `StartDateTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StateId`, `Orientation`, `Videoed`, `DefaultVideo`, `SaveJPEGs`, `Scheme` ) VALUES ( 7, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime(1684692174), 640, 480, 'Motion:All', 'Motion: All', 1, 1, 0, '', 3, 'Medium' ): Unknown column 'HourEvents' in 'field list']
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/21/01/13/15/12/31:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 1 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:12:46 Frames => 51 Height => 480 Id => 1099545 Length => 14.98 MaxScore => 2 MonitorId => 5 Name => Event-1099545 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:12:31 TotScore => 2 Width => 640]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: ERR [zmc_m7] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Events` ( `MonitorId`, `StorageId`, `Name`, `StartDateTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StateId`, `Orientation`, `Videoed`, `DefaultVideo`, `SaveJPEGs`, `Scheme` ) VALUES ( 7, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime(1684692174), 640, 480, 'Motion:All', 'Motion: All', 1, 1, 0, '', 3, 'Medium' ): Unknown column 'HourEvents' in 'field list']
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmstats[419350]: INF [Stats Daemon starting in 30 seconds]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m17[419247]: INF [zmc_m17] [DVR_FrontDoor-C1-M17: 10 - Capturing at 9.19 fps, capturing bandwidth 49205bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: ERR [zmc_m7] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Events` ( `MonitorId`, `StorageId`, `Name`, `StartDateTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StateId`, `Orientation`, `Videoed`, `DefaultVideo`, `SaveJPEGs`, `Scheme` ) VALUES ( 7, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime(1684692174), 640, 480, 'Motion:All', 'Motion: All', 1, 1, 0, '', 3, 'Medium' ): Unknown column 'HourEvents' in 'field list']
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/21/01/13/15/13/08:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 3 AvgScore => 4 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:13:24 Frames => 53 Height => 480 Id => 1099546 Length => 15.90 MaxScore => 7 MonitorId => 5 Name => Event-1099546 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:13:08 TotScore => 14 Width => 640]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: INF [zmc_m7] [Camera3-DCS5020L-M7: 30 - Capturing at 5.00 fps, capturing bandwidth 223579bytes/sec Analysing at 7.50 fps]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m24[419252]: INF [zmc_m24] [Camera12-BesderA6-PTZ-M24: 40 - Capturing at 12.19 fps, capturing bandwidth 11336bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: ERR [zmc_m7] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Events` ( `MonitorId`, `StorageId`, `Name`, `StartDateTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StateId`, `Orientation`, `Videoed`, `DefaultVideo`, `SaveJPEGs`, `Scheme` ) VALUES ( 7, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime(1684692174), 640, 480, 'Motion:All', 'Motion: All', 1, 1, 0, '', 3, 'Medium' ): Unknown column 'HourEvents' in 'field list']
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m26[419341]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Got signal 11 (Segmentation fault), crashing]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m26[419341]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Signal address is (nil), no instruction pointer]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m26[419341]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Backtrace 0: /usr/bin/zmc(+0xf5db2) [0x56105975ddb2]]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m26[419341]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Backtrace 1: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fa8054dd420]]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m26[419341]: ERR [zmc_m26] [Backtrace complete, please install debug symbols (typically zoneminder-dbg)]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m26[419341]: ERR [zmc_m26] [and execute the following command for more information:]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m26[419341]: ERR [zmc_m26] [addr2line -Cfip -e /usr/bin/zmc 0xf5db2]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m25[419262]: INF [zmc_m25] [Camera13-BesderseA6-PTZ-M25: 40 - Capturing at 12.33 fps, capturing bandwidth 80856bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/21/01/13/15/14/06:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 3 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:14:24 Frames => 61 Height => 480 Id => 1099547 Length => 17.97 MaxScore => 2 MonitorId => 5 Name => Event-1099547 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:14:06 TotScore => 6 Width => 640]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: ERR [zmc_m7] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Events` ( `MonitorId`, `StorageId`, `Name`, `StartDateTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StateId`, `Orientation`, `Videoed`, `DefaultVideo`, `SaveJPEGs`, `Scheme` ) VALUES ( 7, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime(1684692174), 640, 480, 'Motion:All', 'Motion: All', 1, 1, 0, '', 3, 'Medium' ): Unknown column 'HourEvents' in 'field list']
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m14[419243]: INF [zmc_m14] [Camera10-IMP-723B-M14: 30 - Capturing at 10.00 fps, capturing bandwidth 84833bytes/sec Analysing at 8.00 fps]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: ERR [zmc_m7] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Events` ( `MonitorId`, `StorageId`, `Name`, `StartDateTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StateId`, `Orientation`, `Videoed`, `DefaultVideo`, `SaveJPEGs`, `Scheme` ) VALUES ( 7, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime(1684692174), 640, 480, 'Motion:All', 'Motion: All', 1, 1, 0, '', 3, 'Medium' ): Unknown column 'HourEvents' in 'field list']
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/7/21/01/13/15/14/47:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 17 AvgScore => 3 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:15:04 Frames => 69 Height => 480 Id => 1099548 Length => 17.00 MaxScore => 6 MonitorId => 7 Name => Event-1099548 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:14:47 TotScore => 52 Width => 640]
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: ERR [zmc_m7] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Events` ( `MonitorId`, `StorageId`, `Name`, `StartDateTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StateId`, `Orientation`, `Videoed`, `DefaultVideo`, `SaveJPEGs`, `Scheme` ) VALUES ( 7, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime(1684692174), 640, 480, 'Motion:All', 'Motion: All', 1, 1, 0, '', 3, 'Medium' ): Unknown column 'HourEvents' in 'field list']
May 21 11:03:00 media2 zmc_m10[419234]: INF [zmc_m10] [Camera6-IP2M-841B-M10: 30 - Capturing at 9.74 fps, capturing bandwidth 366145bytes/sec Analysing at 15.59 fps]
May 21 11:03:01 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: ERR [zmc_m7] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Events` ( `MonitorId`, `StorageId`, `Name`, `StartDateTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StateId`, `Orientation`, `Videoed`, `DefaultVideo`, `SaveJPEGs`, `Scheme` ) VALUES ( 7, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime(1684692174), 640, 480, 'Motion:All', 'Motion: All', 1, 1, 0, '', 3, 'Medium' ): Unknown column 'HourEvents' in 'field list']
May 21 11:03:01 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/21/01/13/15/15/03:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 2 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:15:24 Frames => 68 Height => 480 Id => 1099549 Length => 20.06 MaxScore => 2 MonitorId => 5 Name => Event-1099549 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:15:03 TotScore => 4 Width => 640]
May 21 11:03:01 media2 zmc_m3[419207]: INF [zmc_m3] [Camera1-FI9831Pv2-M3: 30 - Capturing at 9.69 fps, capturing bandwidth 128649bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:03:01 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: ERR [zmc_m7] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Events` ( `MonitorId`, `StorageId`, `Name`, `StartDateTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StateId`, `Orientation`, `Videoed`, `DefaultVideo`, `SaveJPEGs`, `Scheme` ) VALUES ( 7, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime(1684692174), 640, 480, 'Motion:All', 'Motion: All', 1, 1, 0, '', 3, 'Medium' ): Unknown column 'HourEvents' in 'field list']
May 21 11:03:01 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/7/21/01/13/15/15/27:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 11 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:15:41 Frames => 63 Height => 480 Id => 1099550 Length => 14.38 MaxScore => 3 MonitorId => 7 Name => Event-1099550 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:15:27 TotScore => 26 Width => 640]
May 21 11:03:01 media2 zmc_m7[419216]: ERR [zmc_m7] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Events` ( `MonitorId`, `StorageId`, `Name`, `StartDateTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StateId`, `Orientation`, `Videoed`, `DefaultVideo`, `SaveJPEGs`, `Scheme` ) VALUES ( 7, 0, 'New Event', from_unixtime(1684692174), 640, 480, 'Motion:All', 'Motion: All', 1, 1, 0, '', 3, 'Medium' ): Unknown column 'HourEvents' in 'field list']
May 21 11:03:01 media2 zmc_m8[419225]: WAR [zmc_m8] [Monitor dimensions are 640x480 but camera is sending 1280x720]
May 21 11:03:01 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/5/21/01/13/15/15/28:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 4 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:15:50 Frames => 73 Height => 480 Id => 1099551 Length => 22.16 MaxScore => 2 MonitorId => 5 Name => Event-1099551 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-13 15:15:28 TotScore => 8 Width => 640]

Tail of Zoneminder shutting down:

Code: Select all

May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --filter_id=1 --daemon' sending stop to pid 419294 at 23/05/21 11:04:12]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/7/21/01/14/09/22/33:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 13 AvgScore => 5 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-14 09:22:45 Frames => 63 Height => 480 Id => 1099903 Length => 12.39 MaxScore => 11 MonitorId => 7 Name => Event-1099903 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-14 09:22:33 TotScore => 65 Width => 640]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmc_m24[419252]: INF [zmc_m24] [Camera12-BesderA6-PTZ-M24: 900 - Capturing at 11.94 fps, capturing bandwidth 10974bytes/sec Analysing at 11.94 fps]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmc_m10[419234]: WAR [zmc_m10] [You have set the max video packets in the queue to 50. The queue is full. Either Analysis is not keeping up or your camera's keyframe interval 9 is larger than this setting.]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmc_m25[419262]: INF [zmc_m25] [Camera13-BesderseA6-PTZ-M25: 900 - Capturing at 12.33 fps, capturing bandwidth 75281bytes/sec Analysing at 12.33 fps]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmc_m8[419225]: INF [zmc_m8] [Camera4-FI9821Wv2-M8: 710 - Capturing at 9.89 fps, capturing bandwidth 28703bytes/sec Analysing at 9.89 fps]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 61 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --filter_id=2 --daemon' sending stop to pid 419300 at 23/05/21 11:04:12]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmfilter_1[419294]: INF [Received TERM, exiting]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmfilter_2[419300]: INF [Received TERM, exiting]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 60 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/7/21/01/14/09/22/56:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 13 AvgScore => 4 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-14 09:23:08 Frames => 63 Height => 480 Id => 1099904 Length => 12.39 MaxScore => 7 MonitorId => 7 Name => Event-1099904 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-14 09:22:56 TotScore => 54 Width => 640]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['' sending stop to pid 419329 at 23/05/21 11:04:12]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 59 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmwatch[419329]: INF [Received TERM, exiting]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 24' sending stop to pid 419257 at 23/05/21 11:04:12]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/7/21/01/14/09/26/04:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 16 AvgScore => 5 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-14 09:26:17 Frames => 66 Height => 480 Id => 1099905 Length => 13.01 MaxScore => 11 MonitorId => 7 Name => Event-1099905 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-14 09:26:04 TotScore => 82 Width => 640]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 58 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmcontrol_24[419257]: INF [Received TERM, exiting]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmwatch[419329]: INF [Watchdog exiting]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 8' sending stop to pid 419225 at 23/05/21 11:04:12]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/10/21/01/14/09/57/32:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 25 AvgScore => 12 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-14 09:57:40 Frames => 77 Height => 480 Id => 1099906 Length => 8.08 MaxScore => 38 MonitorId => 10 Name => Event-1099906 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-14 09:57:32 TotScore => 304 Width => 640]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 57 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/7/21/01/14/10/12/03:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 1 AvgScore => 29 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-14 10:12:13 Frames => 51 Height => 480 Id => 1099907 Length => 10.00 MaxScore => 29 MonitorId => 7 Name => Event-1099907 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-14 10:12:03 TotScore => 29 Width => 640]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmcontrol_24[419257]: INF [Control server 24/Netcat exiting]
May 21 11:04:12 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 3' sending stop to pid 419211 at 23/05/21 11:04:12]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 56 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmc_m3[419207]: INF [zmc_m3] [Camera1-FI9831Pv2-M3: 750 - Capturing at 9.81 fps, capturing bandwidth 139705bytes/sec Analysing at 9.81 fps]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmcontrol_3[419211]: INF [Received TERM, exiting]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/18/21/01/14/10/22/35:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 20 AvgScore => 12 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-14 10:23:31 Frames => 70 Height => 480 Id => 1099908 Length => 55.99 MaxScore => 33 MonitorId => 18 Name => Event-1099908 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-14 10:22:35 TotScore => 259 Width => 640]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 14' sending stop to pid 419243 at 23/05/21 11:04:13]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 55 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmcontrol_3[419211]: INF [Control server 3/FI9821W_Y2k exiting]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/7/21/01/14/10/23/12:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 22 AvgScore => 6 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-14 10:23:26 Frames => 72 Height => 480 Id => 1099909 Length => 14.18 MaxScore => 14 MonitorId => 7 Name => Event-1099909 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-14 10:23:12 TotScore => 151 Width => 640]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 8' sending stop to pid 419229 at 23/05/21 11:04:13]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmc_m17[419247]: INF [zmc_m17] [DVR_FrontDoor-C1-M17: 520 - Capturing at 6.84 fps, capturing bandwidth 44244bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 54 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 53 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --filter_id=3 --daemon' sending stop to pid 419308 at 23/05/21 11:04:13]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmcontrol_8[419229]: INF [Received TERM, exiting]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: WAR [DiskSpace: Event does not exist at /var/cache/zoneminder/events/7/21/01/14/10/25/24:ZoneMinder::Event: AlarmFrames => 3 AvgScore => 2 Cause => Motion EndDateTime => 2021-01-14 10:25:39 Frames => 75 Height => 480 Id => 1099910 Length => 14.80 MaxScore => 2 MonitorId => 7 Name => Event-1099910 Notes => Motion: All Orientation => ROTATE_0 SaveJPEGs => 3 Scheme => Deep StartDateTime => 2021-01-14 10:25:24 TotScore => 6 Width => 640]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 52 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 24' sending stop to pid 419252 at 23/05/21 11:04:13]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmfilter_3[419308]: INF [Received TERM, exiting]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmcontrol_8[419229]: INF [Control server 8/FI9821W_Y2k exiting]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmc_m24[419252]: INF [zmc_m24] [Camera12-BesderA6-PTZ-M24: 920 - Capturing at 11.87 fps, capturing bandwidth 10265bytes/sec Analysing at 11.87 fps]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmc_m10[419234]: INF [zmc_m10] [Camera6-IP2M-841B-M10: 760 - Capturing at 10.33 fps, capturing bandwidth 528356bytes/sec Analysing at 9.81 fps]
May 21 11:04:13 media2 zmc_m25[419262]: INF [zmc_m25] [Camera13-BesderseA6-PTZ-M25: 920 - Capturing at 11.72 fps, capturing bandwidth 49360bytes/sec Analysing at 11.72 fps]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 51 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmc_m3[419207]: INF [zmc_m3] [Camera1-FI9831Pv2-M3: 760 - Capturing at 9.68 fps, capturing bandwidth 23107bytes/sec Analysing at 9.68 fps]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['' sending stop to pid 419350 at 23/05/21 11:04:14]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 50 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmc_m10[419234]: WAR [zmc_m10] [You have set the max video packets in the queue to 50. The queue is full. Either Analysis is not keeping up or your camera's keyframe interval 9 is larger than this setting.]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 10' sending stop to pid 419234 at 23/05/21 11:04:14]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmstats[419350]: INF [Received TERM, exiting]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 49 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmstats[419350]: INF [Stats Daemon exiting]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 3' sending stop to pid 419207 at 23/05/21 11:04:14]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 48 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 7' sending stop to pid 419220 at 23/05/21 11:04:14]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 47 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmcontrol_7[419220]: INF [Received TERM, exiting]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' -c' sending stop to pid 419314 at 23/05/21 11:04:14]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmc_m17[419247]: INF [zmc_m17] [DVR_FrontDoor-C1-M17: 530 - Capturing at 7.09 fps, capturing bandwidth 9055bytes/sec Analysing at 0.00 fps]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 46 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmcontrol_7[419220]: INF [Control server 7/DCS5020L exiting]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmaudit[419314]: INF [Received TERM, exiting]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 25' sending stop to pid 419262 at 23/05/21 11:04:14]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 45 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:14 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 17' sending stop to pid 419247 at 23/05/21 11:04:14]
May 21 11:04:15 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 44 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:15 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 3' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:15 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 43 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:15 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 8' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:15 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 42 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:15 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 24' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:15 media2 zmc_m7[419426]: WAR [zmc_m7] [db queue size has grown larger 41 than 40 entries]
May 21 11:04:15 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --filter_id=2 --daemon' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:15 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:15 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --filter_id=1 --daemon' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:16 media2 kernel: [149627.132657] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp2s0 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:c4:04:15:96:29:9e:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=36 TOS=0x00 PREC=0xC0 TTL=1 ID=53269 PROTO=2 
May 21 11:04:16 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' -c' exited, signal 14]
May 21 11:04:16 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 25' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:16 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' -c' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:16 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 7' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:16 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 3' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:16 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 10' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:17 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:17 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 24' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:17 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --filter_id=3 --daemon' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:17 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [' --id 8' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:17 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 14' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:18 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 25' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:19 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF ['zmc -m 17' exited normally]
May 21 11:04:22 media2 zmdc[419177]: WAR ['zmc -m 7' has not stopped at 23/05/21 11:04:22 after 10 seconds. Sending KILL to pid 419426]
May 21 11:04:22 media2 zmdc[419177]: INF [Server shutdown at 23/05/21 11:04:22]
May 21 11:04:22 media2 systemd[1]: zoneminder.service: Succeeded.
May 21 11:04:22 media2 systemd[1]: Stopped ZoneMinder CCTV recording and surveillance system.
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]: 5/21/23, 11:04:24 AM PDT.427885 web_php[405123].ERR [] [SQL-ERR 'SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'zm.Event_Summaries' doesn't exist', statement was 'SELECT M.*, S.*, E.*
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]:   FROM Monitors AS M
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]:  LEFT JOIN Monitor_Status AS S ON S.MonitorId=M.Id 
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]:  LEFT JOIN Event_Summaries AS E ON E.MonitorId=M.Id 
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]: WHERE M.`Deleted`=false
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]:  ORDER BY Sequence ASC' params:] at /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/database.php line 161
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]: 5/21/23, 11:04:24 AM PDT.549433 web_php[405123].ERR [] [SQL-ERR dbFetchAll no result, statement was 'SELECT M.*, S.*, E.*
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]:   FROM Monitors AS M
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]:  LEFT JOIN Monitor_Status AS S ON S.MonitorId=M.Id 
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]:  LEFT JOIN Event_Summaries AS E ON E.MonitorId=M.Id 
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]: WHERE M.`Deleted`=false
May 21 11:04:24 media2 web_php[405123]:  ORDER BY Sequence ASC'] at /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/database.php line 195
May 21 11:04:41 media2 kernel: [149652.584529] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp2s0 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:c4:04:15:96:29:9e:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=36 TOS=0x00 PREC=0xC0 TTL=1 ID=53270 PROTO=2 
May 21 11:04:52 media2 kernel: [149663.291825] [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp2s0 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:fb:9c:8e:cd:10:0f:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0xC0 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2 
Thanks and as always I really appreciate the help I get here.
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Location: Toronto

Re: Help with after restoring zm mysql database

Post by iconnor »

Yes event data is in the db. So delete it from the Events, Frames, Stats tables.
You likely need to adjust buffer settings. Change ImageBuffers to 3 or 5 and MaxImageBuffers to 2*keyframes interval or higher. This should have been done automatically during db update but may not have.
Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:06 am

Re: Help with after restoring zm mysql database

Post by linuxnutt »

Thanks, it would be very helpful if I knew the proper mysql commands to correctly safely remove Events, Frames, Stats tables from the mysql zmdb. And any commands to test that the events have been properly remove.
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Re: Help with after restoring zm mysql database

Post by dougmccrary »

Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:06 am

Re: Help with after restoring zm mysql database

Post by linuxnutt »

Finally have the time to get back to this zoneminder problem(s):
As iconner said, "Yes event data is in the db. So delete it from the Events, Frames, Stats tables."
In researching how to do this and before I go into how I think this is to be done here. I'd like to ask this question? Why do I not have any monitors / cameras listed in the console view after I restored the zm datbase and completed the successfully as shown above?

I have no monitors listed in console view.
Zoneminder_2023-07-18 16-27-04-v2.png
Zoneminder_2023-07-18 16-27-04-v2.png (122.46 KiB) Viewed 32805 times

Yet I can see they are there in mysql query the monitors are there in the zmdb.

Code: Select all

mysql> select * from Monitors\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                        Id: 3
                      Name: Camera1-FI9831Pv2-M3
                   Deleted: 0
                     Notes: NULL
                  ServerId: 0
                 StorageId: 0
            ManufacturerId: NULL
                   ModelId: NULL
                      Type: Ffmpeg
                  Function: Modect
                 Capturing: Always
                   Enabled: 1
           DecodingEnabled: 1
                  Decoding: Always
              JanusEnabled: 0
         JanusAudioEnabled: 0
   Janus_Use_RTSP_Restream: 0
           Janus_RTSP_User: NULL
Janus_RTSP_Session_Timeout: 0
      ONVIF_Event_Listener: 0
          Onvif_Alarm_Text: MotionAlarm
           use_Amcrest_API: 0
                    Device: /dev/video0
                   Channel: 0
                    Format: 255
            V4LMultiBuffer: 0
       V4LCapturesPerFrame: 1
                    Method: rtpUni

Post Reply