Suddenlyy started seeing these and zoneminder doesn't work.
Code: Select all
Aug 05 19:02:44 zm zmc_m5[2520]: ERR [zmc_m5] [Can't run query INSERT INTO `Logs` ( `TimeKey`, `Component`, `ServerId`, `Pid`, `Level`, `Code`, `Message`, `File`, `Line` ) VALUES ( 1691254964.920227, 'zmc_m5', 0, 2597, 0, 'INF', 'Driveway: 000 - Opened new event 0, section start', 'zm_monitor.cpp', 1933 ): Running in read-only mode]
MariaDB is running and is _not_ readonly:
Code: Select all
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT @@global.read_only;
| @@global.read_only |
| 0 |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)