Hi. I've got ZM running on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server, and all was fine until I tried to use a remote MySQL server. I updated /etc/zm/zm.conf with the correct details, and restarted, with no errors. But I'm not getting events showing. When I try and force an event, I'm seeing this in the logs:
Code: Select all
ERR [zma_m5] [Can't insert event: The user specified as a definer ('debian-sys-maint'@'localhost') does not exist. sql was (INSERT INTO Events ( MonitorId, StorageId, Name, StartTime, Width, Height, Cause, Notes, StateId, Orientation, Videoed, DefaultVideo, SaveJPEGs, Scheme ) values ( 5, 1, 'New Event', from_unixtime( 1560849205 ), 1280, 720, 'Forced Web', 'Forced Web: ', 1, 1, 0, '', 0, 'Medium' ))]
Why is it using the 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' account, not the one referenced in zm.conf? The only place I can see that referenced is in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf, which I have renamed and restarted ZoneMinder with no effect. The local MySQL is stopped, but still installed (for now).