Default purge filter

Discussions related to the 1.36.x series of ZoneMinder
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Default purge filter

Post by oops »

I have two drives in my ZM system. The default drive is a 120gb ssd for the kubuntu OS and the zm system. The other is a 2TB events drive that stores all the events. I created a purge when full filter for the 2TB events drive and it works as it should. My problem is that the 120gb ssd with the OS, the apache server and zm running on it is getting full and the system quits working. It's my understanding that the default purge when full filter was supposed to keep that from happening. However, when I was trying to create the purge when full filter for the 2TB events drive I somehow deleted the default purge when full filter, at least it doesn't show up any more in the filter drop down. Is there any way to recreate the default purge when full filter? I've tried to recreate it but I don't have a clue how. I've tried to find what's filling up the OS ssd drive but can't find anything that large. Any suggestions?
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Re: Default purge filter

Post by oops »

Follow up: I did find a lot of files under /var/lib/mysql/binlog.xxxxxx and deleted them. The system still works and I can pull up events from several years ago. But I would still like to know about the default purge when full filter. If someone could post me a screen shot of their default purge when full filter I would really appreciate it.
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Re: Default purge filter

Post by Andyrh »

Here is mine for my location Store1.
PurgeWhenFull.png (47.16 KiB) Viewed 1025 times

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Re: Default purge filter

Post by oops »

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Re: Default purge filter

Post by dougmccrary »

You'll need another one for each storage space. Trying to fold it all into one filter has been tried, but won't work from what I've seen.
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