Below are several initial impressions:
1) The streaming video is finally working on Windows WMP 10 (XP SP2). The long quest for it have finally reached a success! Thanks Phil for this one. The FFMPEG used was the yesterday's CVS.
2) During the installation, the make could not create the perl scripts part. The Automake complained that the versions differs (the one that came with ZM was 1.4.8, and I had automake 1.4.9). It requested to re-run the aclocal command, which rebuilt the config file. The make could then finish sucessefully.
3) The resulting binaries are very large, easily reaching ~9 MB. The previous version binaries were around ~800k (even ~200k with the debug info omitted ). It seems as the libraries are somehow got linked statically, otherwise, how such large size is possible?
4) Using IE, in the video generation, when creating a video and clicking "View", the following JS error appears:
Line: 13
Char: 2
Error: Invalid Argument
Code: 0
Also, when clicking on "Download", the movie is loaded in the new window, and a download dialog appears for the "index" file.
This screen works fine in Firefox, thought.
5) In the video generation, the 3gp format is marked by *. Selecting it while generating the video does not produce results. Does it means it still unsupported yet?
6) The time line feature is simply rocks! Can't wait when it will reach IE, as it currently shows no images at all, when pointing the spikes.
The distro used is Fedora Core 4, 32-bit.
In the summary, this is a great and feature-wise version. I think that you should name it 1.22, rather then 1.21.4