Realize FPS

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Realize FPS

Post by gardo »

I am noticing that I can only record at 12-15 FPS. My capture card will capture at 25 FPS. Do I need to tune my hard drives, or will the JPEG compression not keep up with real-time?

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Re: Realize FPS

Post by zoneminder »

Hi Ryan,

The difference is because capturing only involves a bit of copying around in memory when as you correctly suggested recording involves writing to disk which is much slower. I'm not sure if you mean unconditional recording either, using a forced alarm, or just in normal motion detect mode. In motion detect mode the images also have to be analysed and compared.

A couple of things you can try to speed things up a bit.

1. Choose the 'USE_FRAME_SERVER' option which starts another daemon up who's job is just to write file to disk. This can make some difference.
2. Increase the JPEG compression on the saved files. This will increase the write speed at the penalty of a little more CPU used and obviously lower quality images.
3. If in normal motion detect mode, optimise your zones. Don't just have one large zone covering the whole image but try and limit the zones to area's where things may actually happen.
4. Buy a lot of RAM and mount the ZM events directory on a RAMDISK!


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Re: Realize FPS

Post by ananke »

Where can you set the USE_FRAME_SERVER option? I've grep'ed through the entire source/etc, and got no results. [using zm 0.9.15]
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Re: Realize FPS

Post by dannylco »

Dear Ryan Ayers,

I have got the same problem that you mention from the last post on "Cambozola and zms"
>For some reason, Cambozola loads, but never displays anything. Right >clicking brings up some status information. 0 FPS, and the correct address.

How do you solve it?

