camera drops connection

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Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 3:16 pm

camera drops connection

Post by JimS »

I have 1 camera that has started giving me trouble. About a week ago I noticed the IP was in red and couldn't get an image from it. I unplugged the camera network cable (powered over ethernet) and tried a spare camera I had (just a different IP I had set up in ZM but wasn't currently using). That worked. I plugged the problem camera back into the network switch and it started working. Yesterday it stopped so I did a bit more troubleshooting. I ran netstat -tan on the server and the camera line showed "SYN_SENT" rather than "ESTABLISHED" that working cams showed. I then tried to access the camera with a browser - it didn't respond but other cameras did. Sounds like the camera is going bad. Anything else to check? I could set up some kind of power cycle when it drops but I suspect it will just get worse. Camera is only a couple years old.
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