Hit end of packetqueue before satisfying pre_event_count. Needed 1 more video frames

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Hit end of packetqueue before satisfying pre_event_count. Needed 1 more video frames

Post by RonRN18 »

I have an issue with one particular monitor feed giving warnings. I'm not exactly sure how to rectify the situation. I am getting errors that say:

Code: Select all

| Date/Time              | Component | PID    | Level | Message                                                             | File               | Line |
| 10/17/24, 8:12:39 AM   | zmc_m7    | 173329 | WAR   | Hit end of packetqueue before satisfying pre_event_count. Needed 1 more video frames | zm_packetqueue.cpp | 642  |
| 10/17/24, 8:11:47 AM   | zmc_m7    | 173329 | WAR   | Hit end of packetqueue before satisfying pre_event_count. Needed 1 more video frames | zm_packetqueue.cpp | 642  |
It is ONLY with this particular monitor. I thought it had something to do with the buffers, so I've experimented and changed many values, but nothing seems to fix the issue. I don't need my log to be perfect, but I want to work out as many kinks as possible.
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Re: Hit end of packetqueue before satisfying pre_event_count. Needed 1 more video frames

Post by iconnor »

So... if you have pre_event_coutn set to 5 (the default):

When we start up and let's say right off the bat at image 4 we get a motion event, or maybe we are recording full time. We alert, we go into the packetqueue and we try to rewind 5 packets. But we have only received 4.. so then we hit the end and we log that message.

In 1.37 ( and I am looking at merging it for 1.36.35) we do not even begin motion detection or recording until we know the keyframe interval and have at least 5 packets decoded, as opposed to just received.

So you won't see that message in 1.37.. and hopefully not in 1.36.35.

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