v1.37 db move

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DVB Hardware
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v1.37 db move

Post by DVB Hardware »

I wanted to move my ZM to a laptop, Both Linux Mint 23, ZM desktop (old) to Laptop. Mariadb 10.x
On the PC I used timeshift and restored it to the laptop, it was a horror show!
On the PC, exported db with phpmyadmin, imported it to the laptop, no go, localhost error, triggers, and duplicate keys failed.
I cant use Heidisql on Linux, not made for it.
I didn't care about the events, I exported "config, monitors, and zones." Sill failed, trigger import issue.
My main PC is Win 11 and I use nomachine. I am trying to avoid copying/paste between the two windows. Need Identical setup.

Any solutions, maybe Maria db in terminal to restore zm.sql?

Thanks, Jimmy
Linux Mint 23 Cinnamon Mariadb 10.x using Master 1.37.x latest always

DVB stands for Digital VIdeo Broadcasting , retired satellite downlink supplier
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Re: v1.37 db move

Post by iconnor »

You have to be a super user to create the triggers, so when importing you have to be root.

Since this is Linux Mint (right?)
sudo -i
cat backup.sql | mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf zm
DVB Hardware
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Re: v1.37 db move

Post by DVB Hardware »

Thanks, I'm not good with the terminal.
Do you know of a way to get a superuser with Heidi SQL or PhpMyAdmin? I can't find anything.
A while back, I used to be able to import, Config, monitors, and zones.
Linux Mint 23 Cinnamon Mariadb 10.x using Master 1.37.x latest always

DVB stands for Digital VIdeo Broadcasting , retired satellite downlink supplier
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