Mysql memory calculator, check my math Plz

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Mysql memory calculator, check my math Plz

Post by rknobbe »

I've been getting oom-killer messages since I added a new camera. Rather than use a calculator to try to add up the total memory required, I figured I'd let MySQL do the work.

Somebody please check my math. Maybe others will benefit from the mysql script.

Code: Select all

mysql> select x.Id, x.Width, x.Height, x.ImageBufferCount, x.Colours, x.BufferSpace as BufferMB, 1.2*sum(x.BufferSpace) over (Order by Id) as RunningTotalMB_w_OH from (select Id, Width,Height,ImageBufferCount,Colours,(W
idth*Height*ImageBufferCount*Colours/1024/1024) as BufferSpace  from Monitors order by Id) x;
| Id | Width | Height | ImageBufferCount | Colours | BufferMB      | RunningTotalMB_w_OH |
|  1 |  1920 |   1080 |              100 |       3 |  593.26171875 |       711.914062500 |
|  2 |  1920 |   1080 |               50 |       3 |  296.63085938 |      1067.871093756 |
|  5 |  1920 |   1080 |               40 |       3 |  237.30468750 |      1352.636718756 |
|  6 |   704 |    480 |               20 |       3 |   19.33593750 |      1375.839843756 |
|  7 |   704 |    480 |               20 |       3 |   19.33593750 |      1399.042968756 |
|  8 |  1920 |   1080 |               20 |       3 |  118.65234375 |      1541.425781256 |
|  9 |   704 |    480 |               20 |       3 |   19.33593750 |      1564.628906256 |
| 10 |   704 |    480 |               20 |       3 |   19.33593750 |      1587.832031256 |
| 11 |   640 |    480 |               20 |       1 |    5.85937500 |      1594.863281256 |
| 12 |   480 |    360 |               20 |       1 |    3.29589844 |      1598.818359384 |
| 13 |  2560 |   1920 |              110 |       4 | 2062.50000000 |      4073.818359384 |
| 14 |  2560 |   1920 |              121 |       4 | 2268.75000000 |      6796.318359384 |
| 15 |   640 |    480 |               20 |       4 |   23.43750000 |      6824.443359384 |
13 rows in set (3.46 sec)
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Re: Mysql memory calculator, check my math Plz

Post by burger »

Very cool. I added to Not sure if this addresses the difference between ZMA and ZMC though. In my case, Htop says ZMC -m36 below (Record only) has 6% of memory while ZMA -m7 has 5% of memory. The numbers below don't line up. (Not that I know what I'm talking about).

ZMC == record
ZMA == analysis/motion detection

You can verify a given process memory use via /proc/<pid>/status ofc.

Code: Select all

| Id | Width | Height | ImageBufferCount | Colours | BufferMB      | RunningTotalMB_w_OH |
|  1 |  1280 |    720 |               50 |       4 |  175.78125000 |       210.937500000 |
|  4 |   800 |    600 |               50 |       4 |   91.55273438 |       742.675781256 |
|  5 |  1280 |    720 |               50 |       4 |  175.78125000 |       953.613281256 |
|  6 |   800 |    600 |               50 |       4 |   91.55273438 |      1063.476562512 |
|  7 |  1280 |   1024 |               50 |       4 |  250.00000000 |      1363.476562512 |
| 10 |   800 |    600 |               50 |       4 |   91.55273438 |      1473.339843768 |
| 11 |  1280 |    720 |               50 |       4 |  175.78125000 |      1684.277343768 |
| 14 |  1280 |    720 |               50 |       4 |  175.78125000 |      2317.089843768 |
| 15 |  1280 |    720 |               50 |       3 |  131.83593750 |      2475.292968768 |
| 17 |   704 |    480 |               50 |       4 |   64.45312500 |      2552.636718768 |
| 18 |   704 |    480 |               50 |       4 |   64.45312500 |      2629.980468768 |
| 21 |  1280 |    720 |               50 |       4 |  175.78125000 |      2840.917968768 |
| 24 |   352 |    240 |               50 |       4 |   16.11328125 |      3014.941406268 |
| 25 |   640 |    480 |               50 |       4 |   58.59375000 |      3085.253906268 |
| 26 |  1280 |    720 |               50 |       4 |  175.78125000 |      3296.191406268 |
| 27 |   800 |    600 |               50 |       4 |   91.55273438 |      3406.054687524 |
| 28 |   640 |    480 |               50 |       4 |   58.59375000 |      3476.367187524 |
| 29 |   800 |    600 |               25 |       4 |   45.77636719 |      3531.298828152 |
| 30 |  1280 |    720 |               50 |       4 |  175.78125000 |      3742.236328152 |
| 31 |   800 |    600 |               50 |       3 |   68.66455078 |      3824.633789088 |
| 32 |   800 |    600 |               50 |       4 |   91.55273438 |      3934.497070344 |
| 34 |   640 |    480 |              125 |       4 |  146.48437500 |      4220.141601600 |
| 35 |   640 |    360 |              100 |       4 |   87.89062500 |      4325.610351600 |
| 36 |  2560 |   1920 |              100 |       4 | 1875.00000000 |      6575.610351600 |
(Some entries have been removed for brevity)
fastest way to test streams:
ffmpeg -i rtsp://<user>:<pass>@<ipaddress>:554/path ./output.mp4 (if terminal only)
ffplay rtsp://<user>:<pass>@<ipaddress>:554/path (gui)
find paths on ispydb or in zm hcl

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Re: Mysql memory calculator, check my math Plz

Post by Edo911 »

Visit the Releem MySQL Memory Calculator

Input your MySQL configuration values to estimate memory requirements accurately.

Compare the calculated memory usage with your server's available memory to ensure you're not over-committing.
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