Option to merge events when creating mpgs

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Post by Koenzie »

jameswilson wrote:its easyish to make an mpeg from multiple events, where its hard (we need zm changed on the server) is to actually move all these events into 1. I understand what you mean regarding the number of events as the manual approach is unworkable for lots of events as it would take hours.
I fall you need is an mpeg of multiple events we can do that but outside of zm. If its added to the wish list for the server (unless you can write fluant c) we will have to wait till phil has time to add it.
I dont know an easy way to do this, forget how it will be writtenb but how it will work. Im assuming the db will need another flag to allow multiple events to be selected a join flag enabled then zm would have to move and rename the images and update the event info in the db to actully make 1 event.

If the info you require is for somwthing legal, the police wont accept jumps in time between events. As you have indicated it appeas you have multiple events that are in fact contious (in a time way) then this will be acceptable. If there are jumps in time (ie even 10 seconds) the defence would leap on this as it wouldnt be continues footage and what happened in the gaps etc

Just a note of caution really, we have been stung by this before.

I have multiple big events on a day, so the legal thing is no issue.
I hope the can make this feature asap, i think many people need this.
The way it works now doesnt let me archive my events properly.
I cant view my boss a list of 10000 events every week, and let him view 10000 seperate videos or even more seperate stills.
If the events are joined i can pick out the best and show this selection to him.
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Post by SyRenity »

jameswilson wrote:its easyish to make an mpeg from multiple events, where its hard (we need zm changed on the server) is to actually move all these events into 1. I understand what you mean regarding the number of events as the manual approach is unworkable for lots of events as it would take hours.
I fall you need is an mpeg of multiple events we can do that but outside of zm. If its added to the wish list for the server (unless you can write fluant c) we will have to wait till phil has time to add it.
I dont know an easy way to do this, forget how it will be writtenb but how it will work. Im assuming the db will need another flag to allow multiple events to be selected a join flag enabled then zm would have to move and rename the images and update the event info in the db to actully make 1 event.

If the info you require is for somwthing legal, the police wont accept jumps in time between events. As you have indicated it appeas you have multiple events that are in fact contious (in a time way) then this will be acceptable. If there are jumps in time (ie even 10 seconds) the defence would leap on this as it wouldnt be continues footage and what happened in the gaps etc

Just a note of caution really, we have been stung by this before.


Each frame has a date/time tagged on it - doesn't it cover the investigation and legal needs?
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Post by jameswilson »

technically no but i depends how deep the defence want to go, if they ask questions like can you prove the autheticity of the recording, how do you know waht machine it cam from, how do we know the date/time is accurate as we have nothing to refence it to ie sunrise, another person who can verify the time etc etc. Its always best to record everything just in case. Usually the police want the whole day. If its serious i have known them remove the machine. If the suspect pleads guilty after being told they are on cctv then its ok. If they plead not guilty its down to the defence to get as much evidence as possible thrown out.
Usual reasons are not enough pre/post info (ie hours not seconds)
no log book, no audit trail, no data registrar etc etc.
People do think that a timestamp is sufficent but if you wanted to you know you could make it say anytime, if the footage was short enough.
James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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