I have been digging arround in the zmx10.pl source, I dont know perl but I am a coder so I can see whats going on by the syntax alone.
I found the issue and fixed it, but it brings up another possible issue..
first off all I changed the line that read:
Code: Select all
if ( $state == 2 && $monitor->{LastState} == 0 ) # Gone into alarm state
Code: Select all
if ( $state > 0 && $monitor->{LastState} == 0 ) # Gone into alarm state
which now causes the signal to be sent when I activate the recording..
However this leads to another possible issue, I cannot get the Alarm State to work, ive set the camera to Modect and NoDect (I added NoDect to the sql query as had changed in the 22-rc1) and it will not respond and trigger an alarm..
The only thing I can get to work is putting it in 'record', 'triggered','x10' and using the activation string.. this works for me but I think the idea behind having the activation vs alarm thing is if people also use an X10 security system and dont even want any recording to take place unless there security system is activated, then have alarms triggered by sensors only when they are away from home...
This leads me to my third point, I suppose since you have a setting for
X10 Output Alarm String you should also have a setting for
X10 Output Activation String incase you want someting like say the chime to go off to signify that ZM is now active.
In my case I just want ZM to tell the chime to go off instead of the motion sensor doing that.. when the chime is tuned directly to the motion sensor it goes off over and over agin til motion stops which is verry annoying when unloading groceries or there is alot of movment.. now I only get one chime when ZM starts recording, authough there is more of a delay now (2-3s) for the chime to go off its worth it.