bttv driver locking up with geometry change?

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Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2004 5:34 pm

bttv driver locking up with geometry change?

Post by matt_sf »

Hi all--

I'm a new ZM user and despite going slightly insane tweaking everything to get it working, I like it! :-)
My setup is: ZM 1.8.1, Osprey 200 card, Debian 3.0r1, custom 2.4.24 kernel with bttv 0.9.13 and a simple color camera with composite video output.

I noticed that when I would try to configure the settings to something higher than 320x240, I would get interesting repeating errors in syslog:

Mar 11 10:41:32 chester zmc-d0[22563]: INF [W:352]
Mar 11 10:41:32 chester zmc-d0[22563]: INF [H:288]
Mar 11 10:41:32 chester zmc-d0[22563]: ERR [Failed to set window attributes: Invalid argument]

What was weird that I had set it to 480x340, and it would report the numbers above. Also, the shared mem wouldn't get allocated. This was happening before and after I set ZM_STRICT_VIDEO_CONFIG to 'no' and after I had upped the shared memory max to around 48MB (actually 50331648). Even with stopping and starting ZM, nothing seemed to be showing up in 'ipcs -m' ... I did a modprobe -r bttv then re-added bttv. I started ZM and suddenly it started working:

Mar 11 10:45:12 chester zmc-d0[22796]: INF [shm.size=48960448]
Mar 11 10:45:12 chester zmc-d0[22796]: INF [Initialised zone 0/All - 1 - 480x340 - Rgb:ff0000, CM:3, MnAT:15, MxAT:0, MnAP:50, MxAP:75000, FB:3x3, MnFP:50, MxFP:50000, MnBS:10, MxBS:0, MnB:0, MxB:0]

I've also seen it lockup the shmem segment by www-data, and become unresponsive to an ipcrm request. Not until I unload bttv and reload it does it free up. So it could be the bttv driver acting funky, but then why was zmc-d0 reporting the 352x288 config numbers? Anyone else see this?

Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2004 5:34 pm

Re: bttv driver locking up with geometry change?

Post by matt_sf »

ok here's an update, I can recreate the problem everytime I stop and start ZM from the console page. If I stop then start it, the lockup occurs again (this time reporting my real configured numbers of 480x340) and it won't grab the shared memory without my unloading and reloading the bttv module first. This is after kicking up the shared memory values of all and max to 100663296. I've never done this kind of low-level stuff in Linux before. For now, I'll just go back to a lower geometry. Would I be better off compiling in bttv into the static kernel? thanks!

Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2004 5:34 pm

Re: bttv driver locking up with geometry change?

Post by matt_sf »

ok here's an update, I can recreate the problem everytime I stop and start ZM from the console page. If I stop then start it, the lockup occurs again (this time reporting my real configured numbers of 480x340) and it won't grab the shared memory without my unloading and reloading the bttv module first. This is after kicking up the shared memory values of all and max to 100663296. I've never done this kind of low-level stuff in Linux before. For now, I'll just go back to a lower geometry. Would I be better off compiling in bttv into the static kernel? thanks!
