Disk space and deleting events

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Disk space and deleting events

Post by peterthevicar »

I think I'm missing something about deleting events! I have 20 events on my event list, having deleted hundreds of spurious ones. However the var/www/html/zm/events directory still seems to have all the events ever recorded, taking 1.3Gb. I have the 'When deleting messages...' unchecked so I'd hoped that deleting events would delete the data too.

Can anyone help?

TIA, Peter
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Re: Disk space and deleting events

Post by lazyleopard »

I found I had to re-start zm completely before that option started having any effect....
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Re: Disk space and deleting events

Post by enrico1301 »


This script is used to check the consistency of the event file system and database. It can delete orphaned events, i.e. ones that appear in one location and not the other as well as checking that all the various event related tables are in line. It can be run interactively or in batch mode either from the command line or a cron job or similar. In the zmconfig.pl there is an option to specify fast event deletes where the web interface only deletes the event entry from the database itself. If this is set then it is this script that tidies up the rest.

from readme file