when I execute
# mysql < db/zmschema.sql -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1136 (21S01) at line 378: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
I have suse 10.0 kernel 2.6.13
and /zm-1.21.4
Thank You
Problems with Mysql
Try replacing the db file with this one and recompile.
[Edit] heres the patch
[Edit] heres the patch
Code: Select all
--- zmschema.sql.z.orig 2005-11-07 04:03:21.000000000 -0800
+++ zm-1.21.4/db/zmschema.sql.z 2005-11-14 12:34:01.000000000 -0800
@@ -374,9 +374,9 @@
-- Create a default admin user.
-insert into Users values ('','admin',password('admin'),'',1,'View','Edit','Edit','Edit',NULL);
+insert into Users values ('','admin',password('admin'),'',1,'View','Edit','Edit','Edit','Edit','High',NULL);
-- Add in a sample filter to purge the oldest 5 events when the disk is 95% full, delete is disabled though
insert into Filters values ('PurgeWhenFull','trms=2&obr1=&cbr1=&attr1=Archived&op1==&val1=0&cnj2=and&obr2=&cbr2=&attr2=DiskPercent&op2=>=&val2=95&sort_field=Id&sort_asc=1&limit=5',0,0,0,0,0,'');
Last edited by cordel on Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Okay this may sound funney but I don't know why. On my database MonitorID colum alows NULLs as it should. If you put values here then this would restrict the admin to the monitorID placed here.
New patch and I reuped the file to the server with the changes. you'll need to drop the database.
New patch and I reuped the file to the server with the changes. you'll need to drop the database.
Code: Select all
--- zm-1.21.4/db/zmschema.sql.z.orig 2005-11-07 04:03:21.000000000 -0800
+++ zm-1.21.4/db/zmschema.sql.z 2005-11-14 12:57:08.000000000 -0800
@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@
Control enum('None','View','Edit') NOT NULL default 'None',
Monitors enum('None','View','Edit') NOT NULL default 'None',
System enum('None','View','Edit') NOT NULL default 'None',
MaxBandwidth varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
- MonitorIds tinytext NOT NULL,
+ MonitorIds tinytext default NULL,
UNIQUE KEY UC_Username (Username)
@@ -374,9 +374,9 @@
-- Create a default admin user.
-insert into Users values ('','admin',password('admin'),'',1,'View','Edit','Edit','Edit',NULL);
+insert into Users values ('','admin',password('admin'),'',1,'View','Edit','Edit','Edit','Edit','High',NULL);
-- Add in a sample filter to purge the oldest 5 events when the disk is 95% full, delete is disabled though
insert into Filters values ('PurgeWhenFull','trms=2&obr1=&cbr1=&attr1=Archived&op1==&val1=0&cnj2=and&obr2=&cbr2=&attr2=DiskPercent&op2=>=&val2=95&sort_field=Id&sort_asc=1&limit=5',0,0,0,0,0,'');
I work the compilation
I work the compilation
the data base that I create volume the name of ZM_DB_NAME
chkconfig --add zm
zm: unknown service
zm: not a runlevel service
when I enter http://localhost/zm
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: session_start() in /srv/www/htdocs/zm/zm.php on line 159
my file zm.php
if ( !$_SESSION['format'] )
$_SESSION['format'] = $format;
$_SESSION['cookies'] = $cookies;
$_SESSION['device'] = $device;
if ( $cookies )
setcookie( "format", $format );
setcookie( "cookies", $cookies );
require_once( "zm_$format.php" );
the data base that I create volume the name of ZM_DB_NAME
chkconfig --add zm
zm: unknown service
zm: not a runlevel service
when I enter http://localhost/zm
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: session_start() in /srv/www/htdocs/zm/zm.php on line 159
my file zm.php
if ( !$_SESSION['format'] )
$_SESSION['format'] = $format;
$_SESSION['cookies'] = $cookies;
$_SESSION['device'] = $device;
if ( $cookies )
setcookie( "format", $format );
setcookie( "cookies", $cookies );
require_once( "zm_$format.php" );