Just a quick not to let you know one stumble I had during a fresh build of 1.22rc2.
(other than the lib64 issue in configure you already know about)
I ran into an issue with the log path not getting set correctly and thus
zm would not start because it could notcreate the logs
- it was trying in the current dir
It was a quick kludge/fix for me to get it going
I hardcoded my log path into the zmpkg.pl file
The following line did not seem to work
use constant LOG_FILE => ZoneMinder::ZM_PATH_LOGS.'/zmpkg.log';
so I just hard coded line 101 as follows
my $log_file = "/var/log/zm/zmpkg.log";
I had my log dirs already created and waiting.
I then tried to start again and it worked fine.
Did I miss a setting this at config time
I think this used to set up in the old zmconfig.pl
BTW I am new this, but have been lurking and searching the list
and had always found all my answers. (well done)
Here is my detailed setup:
Brand new x86_64 /X2 box
FFMPEG built from cvs source
Pretty much everything else from rpm
# yum install httpd mysql mysqlclient10 pcre pcre-devel
# yum install lame perl-Convert-BinHex perl-IO-stringy perl-Device-SerialPort perl-X10 perl-MIME-tools perl-MailTools perl-Unicode-Map perl-Unicode-String php php-mysql php-pear
# perl -MCPAN -eshell
go through the config if needed
then install the following:
# cpan> install Bundle::DateTime::Complete
# cpan> install Unicode::Map
# cpan> install Unicode::String
# cpan> install install Device::SerialPort X10 ControlX10::CM17
# exit
[tgutwin@dvr dev/lib/zm]$ wget http://www.zoneminder.com/downloads/Zon ... rc2.tar.gz
[tgutwin@dvr dev/lib/zm]$ tar -xvzf ZoneMinder-1.22.0-rc2.tar.gz
[tgutwin@dvr dev/lib/zm]$ cd ZoneMinder-1.22.0
1st go into configure and change the line:
[tgutwin@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]$ export ZM_DB_HOST=localhost
[tgutwin@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]$ export ZM_DB_NAME=zm
[tgutwin@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]$ export ZM_DB_USER=yourZM-DBusername
[tgutwin@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]$ export ZM_DB_PASS=yourZM-DBpassword
Because I built ffmpeg with all those codec I have to add them to the configure line so the libs get picked up
[tgutwin@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]$./configure --with-webdir=/var/www/html/zm --with-cgidir=/var/www/cgi-bin --with-webuser=apache --with-webgroup=apache --with-ffmpeg=/usr --with-libarch=lib64 --with-mysql=/usr --with-lame=/usr/lib64 --enable-debug=yes -with-extralibs="-lmp3lame -logg -lvorbis -lFLAC -lFLAC++ -lfaac -lfaad -ldts -lxvidcore -ldts_pic -lvorbis -lvorbisfile -lvorbisenc -ltheora"
- edit/confirm the zm.conf and db/zm_create.sql to reflect your database setup
[tgutwin@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]$ make
[tgutwin@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]$ su
Now as root user
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# mysqladmin -u root password 'myRootPass'
you can choose another root password for your mysql db install
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# mysql -u root --password=myRootPass mysql < db/zm_create.sql
Your db is now setup
if you need to drop the database and to reinit it....
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# mysqladmin -u root --password=myRootPass drop zm
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# exit
[tgutwin@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]$ mysql -u root --password=myRootPass zm
mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete on zm.* to '<username>'@localhost identified by '<password>';
NOW you can test if your db is actually there and populated
mysql> select * from zm.Users;
mysql> quit
[tgutwin@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]$ mysqladmin -u root --password=myRootPass reload
Now as root user
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# sudo make install
now create your log directory... this used to be set in your zmconfig.pl
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# mkdir /var/log/zm
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# cp scripts/zm /etc/init.d/.
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# cd /etc/init.d/
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# chmod guo+rx zm
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# /sbin/chkconfig --add zm
[root@dvr ZoneMinder-1.22.0]# zm start
After I fixed the log issue mentioned above .
I am now intest mode!
New Build Log Path Not set (FC4 x86_64 AMDX2)
- zoneminder
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