Linux GUI for ZM Currently Viewer Only Beta

If you've made a patch to quick fix a bug or to add a new feature not yet in the main tree then post it here so others can try it out.
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Post by maciekc »

Im not sure i agree. I see what your saying that you always use a particular size but i for one dont. I aslo aim to get this to the tv out of the gfx card ultimatly. I think once we move to raw images the rescaling will not be an issue. I am not convinced on thios one,
Rescalling is also needed in other modes so it's good idea when you have diffrent sizes as you said. I agree.
But should be also option manual when you can set x,y and scale for every camera you specify. This way we should be able to make very cool view.
But the text with camera name/date/time is always bad quality after rescalling. The best way to fix the text would be to make this text by zm4linux not by zms.
True i like your thinking here. I will see if i can impliment command line switches
We can also write a simple script for running that will change config files. That wouldn't be problem for me to write this in bash. Simple and functional:) But command line switches would we much easier.
I personally need raw support on the windows viewer so i will definetly be implimenting this lol. btw zm 1.22 is nothing to do with me, the god that is Phil is the one responsible
I know that zm is Phil's work. I just wanted to tell you to upgrade fast to see his great job:)
Do as you are ideas, bug finding etc all needed as i dont have time to write these things and fully test them in the little spare time i actually have! lol
Ok I'll try:)
The one annoying me in Windows Viever is that it doesn't have constant width to height. I'll explain it because I can't find a word for that:)
So we have image size 400x300.
You can make from it 500x200. This shouldn't be possible.
You should make it that 400*k=300*k so the image is always good looking. I hope you understand:)
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Post by jameswilson »

Good points. I will look at having another view (or an option if possible) that locks the aspect ratio. Because zm4ms in interpolated in the cam views you dont get the problem of dodgy text. But it would be possible to have a global option to size cams a special size. Problem with this is when you have 1 pc on a site with an 800 x 600 res and another with 1600x1200 this idea would look awful. But i think a lock aspect ratio (ie 4:3) would make you happy here.

Regarding the text, I have thought about removing the text from the windows on streaming and inserting text myslef but in this is a pain as you have to manual draw the text as graphics. Plus if you have a tcp stall the clock would update but the images wouldnt so again im not sure on this one. In the linux viewer i will eventually get interpolation and anti-alaising sorted as this is definetly needed. I think we need both. We definetly need a config file else the command line would be huge. but i do like the idea of switches, im sure this is possible i just dont know how lol.
I know that zm is Phil's work. I just wanted to tell you to upgrade fast to see his great job:)
The problem with a fast upgrade is i currently dont know how to get raw images into either the ms or linux version. Once i learn this it should only take a few hours. From what i have read so far mpeg support would be easier than raw support, but it is a priority.

Regarding the l;ast point i think a lock aspect ratio will fix this, although i haver test system running at 768x288 and leaving zm4ms to resize to the correct aspect works for me. I persoanlly have found that people like being able to resize the image to fit a strange hole on the desktop, select alwayts on top and keep oit above their word doc or whatever they are working in.

James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
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Location: Czestochowa, POLAND

Post by maciekc »

Yes I thought exactly of lock aspect ratio option:) I just couldn't find this word...

This awful looking text after resizing is also now not very important. Removing is stupid, better is to make zm not add text to streamed images. If I remember zm has that option. Text can be added for example to the title bar of camera not to image, that would be easier and allow you to use string, not to draw text on image. The time date and name should be included into header what zms send. This would make next special streaming mode:)

And about this raw. I think that you need to feed the stream to pixmap. I also tried to feed this stream, and the one frame. I got some results using display program from imagemagick. When you delete the zoneminder header, it is able to load the picture. But the picture is not good. It is separated like in quad. You see 2 images in the upper part. They are in strange colour. And the bottom part is black.
I tried to write a simple program to load directly file to xpixmap but I'm not familiar with Xwindow programming...

Mpeg streaming is IMHO not important. What people say it makes lag, it can be useful when you have very slow connection to zm, it should be some MPEG4 if so.
The problem with a fast upgrade is i currently dont know how to get raw images into either the ms or linux version. Once i learn this it should only take a few hours. From what i have read so far mpeg support would be easier than raw support, but it is a priority.
I told about zm upgrade. Not your program. But update of your program would be also a great surprise.
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Post by semotta »


Just to let you know zm4Linux worked just out-of-the-box on my FC4. Nice work!

By the way, cycle view is on top of my whishlist. And I coudn't find any sources on your site.
Is it opensource?

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Post by jameswilson »

yes this one will be open source, and development has kind of stalled as i think that maciekc raw viewer is a lot better than mine. Also as his uses shared mem access its a lot better all round. Mine is written in realbasic as i dont know any c at all.

James Wilson

Disclaimer: The above is pure theory and may work on a good day with the wind behind it. etc etc.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:28 pm

Post by krattai »

Hello folks. Just a short note from a newbie. Really like ZoneMinder and really like this zm4Linux, James.

I also need to note that I've sent you an email, Phil. And I've also sent you a PM, James. I hope you two receive the message soon. I'd really like to talk to the both of you about these two applications. I've asked Phil to forward the email to you, James. That is, if he actually has an email address for you.

Sorry for interrupting the conversation. Carry on.


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